Continued Hadith to 8.
That the Koran would ask God Almighty to give clothes to those who fulfill the rights of the Quran, Allah gave him the crown of glory, then ask for additional Quran, then Allah gave him the whole outfit of glory, the Qur'an said: O Allah, he ridhailah , then Allah Almighty also says keridhaanNya him.
Written in Sharh Ihya that the right of the Koran is dikhatamkan twice a year, and for those who do not fulfill the rights of the Koran in the Hereafter he will sue him later.
Whoever practice what he knows, Allah will give him knowledge that he did not know. There are three people who will not be able to interpret the Qur'an:
1. People who are not able to understand Arabic.
2. Perpetrators of grave sin or heresy experts that by doing so makes him dark and cover the understanding of the Quran.
3. People who are in akidahnya only recognize the meaning of Zahir nash, if he was reciting verses from the Koran that do not fit the pattern of thought he would be agitated, such people will not be able to understand the Qur'an correctly.
Hadith to 9
Messenger of Allah said: would say to experts Qur'an (on the day), read and keep up with Tartil read like you read it while on earth, real place is the end of the paragraph you read (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban).
Mulla Ali Qari ra. narrates a hadith that "whoever read it many times (the Quran) the world, the Hereafter he will be able to remember it, and if the world he did not read it, then he will not be able to remember the Hereafter".
Hadith to 10.
Messenger of Allah said: Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah (Quran) he shall receive one hasanah (goodness), and one hasanah was equal to ten times as much, I'm not saying that the ALM one letter, but one letter alif, lam one letter and one letter meme.
Whoever brings a good deed, then the reward for her righteous deeds tenfold Surat al-An'am: 160.
However an additional ten-fold this is the lowest, because God is able to multiply at will reward with Him.
God doubles the reward for anyone who he wants Surat al-Baqara: 261.
Hadith 11.
Messenger of Allah said: Whoever reads the Koran and the practice of what is contained therein, then both parents will be charged on the day of Judgement crown whose light than the sun, if there are in your homes in this world, then how is your estimation about the people who mengamalkanya (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At Targhib).
Blessings from reading and practicing the Qur'an are: the parents of the readers will be the crown on the Day of Resurrection, the light beyond the sun, if the parent of a Koran reader will get the crown just like that then we can not imagine how the reward for sipembaca Quran itself.
Messenger of Allah said: Whoever reads the Koran and mengamalkanya, it will be applied to him a crown made of nur, and both her parents will be fitted with beautiful clothes that is unequaled in this world, parents would ask God, O God why we were treated like this? God replied: This is the reward of reading Quran son.
Messenger of Allah said: Whoever teaches his son reading the Koran, then his sins would come and past will be forgiven, and whoever teaches his son to become Hafiz Al-Quran, then on the Day of Resurrection he will be raised with a face that shone like the light full moon, and told anakanya, start reading the Quran, when his son began to read one verse of the Koran, his father raised one degree to continue to grow higher until graduation bacaanya.
Thus the primacy of parents who teach their children reading the Quran, if you menjaukan your children from religion just because a few dollars, then not only yourself that will be closed from rewards, but you also have to answer the questions of God.
Everyone will be asked how far he has taught religion, so if you teach religion to your child, someday you will be free from prosecution, and as long as your child is still alive, all the good deeds and prayer-the prayer that he ask for forgiveness for you, it will cause your degree is increased.
Hadith to 12.
From Uqbah bin Amir ra he said, I heard Allah's Apostle of Allah said: if Al-Quran placed in the skin, then skin it dicampakan into the fire, surely he would not burn, always memorize the Quran because God will not torture the heart that holds al- Quran, spare yourself the world would end, and death is closing all the suffering of the world.
Mentioned in Sharh al-Ihya list of people who will be under the protection of Allah on the Day of Judgement, when all human beings in a state of panic, that carriers such as Hafiz Al-Quran Al-Quran will be under the protection of God with prophets and Righteous.
Hadith to 13.
Messenger of Allah said: Whoever reads the Koran and memorize it, and justifies what dihalalkannya and forbid what is diharamkannya, then God will put it into heaven and guarantee to give syfaat for ten families who must go to hell.

Hadith to 1.
Messenger of Allah said: the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.
Those who memorize the Quran, then he has kept the science of prophetic head.
Hadith to 2.
Messenger of Allah said: Whoever gets preoccupied with the Quran than the dhikr and pray to Me, surely I give him the best thing that I give to people who request to me, and the primacy Kalamullah against other theologians such as the primacy of God to his creatures.
Someone who was busy memorizing, studying or understanding the Qur'an so that did not have time to pray to me, then Allah will give something more mainstream than has been given to people who are busy praying for me.
Someone who was busy memorizing, studying and understanding the Quran so that did not have time to pray, then Allah will give him something more mainstream than has been given to people who pray.
Hadith to 3.
Prophet said: Who amongst you who like to go to the market every morning, then came home with two large humped female camels without sin or decide friendship? said the friend we all liked to go to the market so the prophet and messenger of God to answer why one of you did not go in the morning to the mosque and study or read the Koran, but it's better than two females.
The purpose is to remind us of the above hadith the comparison something mortal with the immortal sesutau, when a person is stationary or moving should always thought that if he were doing something that is temporary and futile, or something lasting and worthwhile, how much loss of time which is only used to find eternal disaster.
It's just a warning and example, that one verse of the Qur'an will obtain eternal reward a more mainstream and better than the royal area of the seven continents are mortal.
Hadith to 4.
Messenger of Allah said: a person skilled in the Qur'an will be with recording angels are noble longer true, and people who stammer to read the Koran and took pains to learn it for her reward twice (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud).
The so-called people who are experts in the Qur'an is the one who memorized the Quran and read it constantly, especially by understanding the meaning and intention, and is jointly angel is he one of those who move the Quran from Lawh Mahfouz and menyampaikanya to others through his reading, he will be with the angels on the day mahsyar later.
Whoever read the Quran while he did not know, then he will earn twice the reward, and anyone who really wanted to memorize the Qur'an but can not afford, but he continued to read it, then Allah will raise it on the day mahsyar with Hafiz Al Quran.
Hadith to 5.
Messenger of Allah said: Not justified envy / jealousy, with the exception of two individuals: A person who is blessed by God the ability to read / mengahafal Quran, then he read it at night and by day, and to someone who is endowed by God's treasure, then he menginfakkannya night and during the day.
Hadts to 6.
Messenger of Allah said: The parable of the faithful who recite the Quran like sweet orange, it smells sweet and delicious, the parable of the believers who do not read the Qur'an such as dates do not smell sweet, the parable of a hypocrite who reads the Qur'an as a fragrant flower but bitter taste, and the parable of hypocrites who do not read the Qur'an such as bitter melon fruit does not smell and taste bitter.
Hadith to 7.
Messenger of Allah said: Verily Allah elevating some kaum.dengan Al Quran and degrading others with it anyway.
Anyone who believe and work with the Qur'an, Allah will raise rank and honor in the world and the Hereafter, and Allah humiliate anyone who does not practice it, the Qur'an declared on Albaqarah: 26 and Al-Isra ': 82.
Messenger of Allah said: many of the hypocrites of this people who read the Quran, the Al-Ihya mentioned on the statement of the scholars, that if one starts reading the Qur'an, the angels began to beg mercy for her and they will continue in a state of prayer for him until he finished reading the Quran, however, began to curse the angel until he finished reading it, according to some scholars sometimes someone reading the Quran but unwittingly he had appealed to his own damnation continuously, for example, he read the verses in the Qur'an which means: Remember the curse of Allah and above those wrongdoers Surah Hud: 18, or another verse which means: the curse of Allah to the people who lied Surah Ali Imran: 61.
Hadith 8.
Messenger of Allah said: Three things that will be under the Divine Throne on the Day of Judgement is:
1. Al Quran who will defend the servant of God, he has the Zahir and the heart.
2. Amanah.
3. Gathering that will say, remember who put me in touch, Allah will call him and who dumped me, God will decide.
The purpose of three things will be under the Throne, is the perfection of closeness to God, which is very close to the Throne of Allah. Intention to defend God's servants are those who glorify the Qur'an, performing rights, practice it, the Quran will definitely defend it before God Almighty, and will as well as raise the degrees