Anyone who opened the door of prayer means have been opened for him the doors of mercy, Nor one had been requested by someone in Allah dislikes more than to demand afiah. Indeed the prayer is very beneficial to the fate that has been in force and also to the destiny that has not happened, nothing was able to resist fate, unless the prayer because it berdo'alah you Turmudzi HR.
1. Prayer and position.
When Life Overcome Exam.
During the natural life of humans across the world, God gave him the diverse experience, there is such a fun and unisex vice versa. Generally, when a fortunate life experience, he likes the atmosphere of affection and delight as it was fleeting, whereas if he is going through life barren and bitter, then the situation feels very long and tedious.
Sometimes a person just realize that Fate on things that are unpleasant, then said "well what can make this is destiny" while some people respond with feelings of sincere destiny.
God is near to us, through the hadith Qudsy as God commanded the Prophet sabdakan: "If a servant came to ME an inch, then I will draw near to him a cubit, and if he came to ME cubit then I will draw near to him sedepa, and if he comes to ME running then I will come to him running (HR Bukhary) ".
Hadith above convince us that God always pay attention to his servant in all circumstances, even more than concern owned by his servant.
Sunggu many ways closer to God, health and wealth of knowledge is part of the road approach, but has become tabi'at nature that humans have a nature careless, especially times when they are able and feel does not need the help of others, even the opposite often happens that gift of the gods used as an ingredient of iniquity.
Why Pray?
To pray means to plead and was proud and arrogant people who do not want to pray, to pray is to run the command of Allah, for He commanded to pray, as a human endeavor in the form of an abstract, attempts without prayer is only a fragile objects, while pray without effort is a spirit without a body, in fact prayer has the power and magic of its own, and at certain times of prayer play further than the actual deeds-deeds.
Memohonlah your Lord by humble and with a mild voice, for God loves not the transgressors, and you do not ruin the surface of the earth after he was real good grace of God was very close to the people of ihsan.
Pray expectantly and with humble yourself to Him in essence God gives, God opened the door of mercy for every slave who complain about themselves, and pray that is not accompanied by a sense of resentment.
Allah said in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 45 and 153 as follows: "Make it by your patience and prayers as penolongmu, so it's actually very hard except for those who khusyu".
O Mu'min make people wait and pray that as penolongmu, verily Allah is with those who forbear.
The words patience as well as charities and businesses therein, while the words of the prayer therein including pela prayer, God's own omniscience on the efficacy of business and second-duannya prayer life is a very powerful weapon.
Allah says in surah Al-Baqarah verse 186: "And when my servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very close, I grant the request of a person who prays to ME.
Then in the surah Al-A'raaf verse 180 Allah says: "Allah has beautiful names and sublime, bermohonlah to Him by mentioning the names of the beautiful and glorious (Asmaaul Husnaa)".
And also in Al-Isra'a verse 110 Allah says: "Call upon Allah or summon Ar-Rahman, by whichever name you call on, because he has the best names, nor raised his voice in prayer and do not also sass and take this road which is between the two.
To which the role of prayer?
In everyday life we often actually witnessed or listened to some of the applicant's complaints "ah ... been bored doing good, even more barren and miserable life alone, while the unbelievers and the ignorant are far from God and not obey never prayed, but their fate just getting lucky, actually the end of everything in the hands of God almighty human obligation is to try and pray ".
Pray, but do not rush.
Messenger of Allah said: "It's always a person of prayer accepted as long as he does not hurry, the friend who comes to ask: how whether the meaning of haste that yes apostle? She explains that I have prayed but not being accepted, then he was sorry and did not pray, prayer again (Muslim).
Prayers choice.
Pray means to ask God Almighty, at that time a person is closer soul to God Almighty without walls, even a piece of hair cut in a thousand, do not ask for help with the help of an intermediary object, human and demon called shirk.