The scientists are not endless researching and thinking about the existence of this universe, from observing the earth and its contents, including human beings themselves, until the objects in outer space even to predict the shape of the universe is God's creation. The images can be viewed on only a small part of the objects that exist in this universe humans have been observed. All these objects must be in a space called the universe that is assumed by scientists there are limits. In this regard, the scientists try to predict the shape of the universe through observations or data collected with advanced equipment available.
At first the scientists predict that the shape of the universe is flat or "flat". Then the scientists of England predicts again that the shape of the universe is like a soccer ball. Predicted shape of the universe like a soccer ball is actually a good estimate as part of the theory of a finite universe (finite universe theory). However, based on recent data, especially about the "background radiation" the scientists collected did not support the predictions of the theory. With the latest data collected by a NASA instrument called the "Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Prob (WMAP)" Professor Frank Steiner of the University of Ulm, Germany, who led a group of scientists proposed a universe that is shocking. Professor Steiner and his group claim that the universe is shaped like a trumpet. This form is compatible with observations (data collected). At the front end of the horn is part of the universe that humans can be observed (observable) and getting into the back end of the horn is part of the universe is not observable (unobservable). (See Figure). Now let us look at one verse of the Qur'an that mention about the trumpet, for example, Sura An-Naml verse 87: "And on the day (when) the trumpet is blown, it was disturbed, all that is in the heavens and everything on earth, but who is God wills. And all of them came to Him with humble himself "(Sura 27:87).
What can we interpret from these verses? If the findings of the scientists that we use as a basis for interpreting the verse, then the trumpet in question is this universe that resembles a trumpet. So when the trumpet (see the universe and all its contents) is blown by the Angel Israfil for the first time then that's when "timing" of the end of human life and destruction of the ephemeral nature of this or that is referred to as the End Times. In other passages, this trumpet will be blown for the second time that marks the human resurrected from the dead to face the court of God, and this is called as the Day of Judgement (the Day of Resurrection). For the record, in fact according to the Qur'an there is a sequence of events with respect to the final day that begins with the destruction of the universe and the end of the life of this world (in the Qur'an is one of them refers to the word "as-saa'ah" or start time hereafter marked with trumpets blew for the first time) followed by the resurrected and gathered people from the dead (in the Qur'an is said by the term "al-Qiyama" or the Day of Judgement which is marked with a horn blew for the second time) to account for his actions over the world (one of the terms used in the Quran "yaumul fashl" or day of determination). Wallaahu a'lam shawab bish.
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