Above proposition is quite clear that there is no forgiveness for the polytheists, so the intercession of a Hafiz Quran limited only to Muslims who have to go to hell for their sins, so whoever wants survived the fire of hell, if he is not a Hafiz and not able to become Hafiz, at least he made among his family or relatives to be Hafiz Al-Quran in order to obtain intercession diakherat later.
Hadith 14.
Messenger of Allah said: "Learn the Quran and read, in fact the parable of Al-Quran for people who study it and read it and practice it is like a pouch that contains kasturi fragrant smell everywhere, the parable of those who learn the Quran but sleeping while the Al-Quran There dihatinya as a closed bag and contains kasturi but not fragrant as a closed bag. It means if a person learns to maintain and read the Koran in the middle of the night prayer is rather like an open bowl kasturi aroma spread throughout the place, so a reading Al-Quran Hafiz will deploy and blessings nur kesetiap place, if a Hafiz Quran was asleep and did not read the Koran because of negligence, but the Al-Quran dihatinya like kasturi, due to their negligence and blessings nur did not spread to others.
Hadith to 15.
Messenger of Allah said: "Those in whose hearts there is no iota of Al-Quran is like an empty house (Tirmidhi)".
Parable of the empty house that contains a subtle intentions, the human brain is not working is where Satan works so well as the empty heart of Al-Quran will be much influenced by the devil. Above hadith stating how important it is to memorize the Koran, so the heart does not keep the Koran in it like an empty house, Abu Hurairah ra said: "The house in which there is reading the Quran then the family and relatives will increase and blessing and goodness will satisfy house experts, the angels will fall filled the house, and the dickens out of that house, opposite the house in which not read the Quran then it will be filled by the prince of darkness, the narrowness and lack berkahan overwrite the house and meet the angels will not enter the house.
Hadith to 16.
From Aisha RHA that sallallahu Allah said: "Reading the Quran in prayer over baikdaripada reading the Koran outside of prayer, reading the Qur'an outside of prayer beads is better than reading and Takbir, read the prayer beads is better than alms, alms is better than fasting , and fasting is a shield from the fire of hell "(Bayhaqi).
Al-Quran Reading is definitely better than dhikr, because the Quran is: Kalamullah. From Ali narrated that a person standing in prayer and reading the Quran every hundred letters are rewarding the good, and people who read the Qur'an while sitting in the prayer of every fifty letters are rewarding the good, if not read it in the prayer but ablution, then from every twenty-five letters rewarding goodness, if read without the reward of ten good ablution, and if not read it with tawajuh only listen to people who read the Quran then berpaha one goodness of each letter.
Hadith to 17.
Messenger of Allah said: "Sukakah someone among you, if you go off home to get three female camels are pregnant and fat? Yes of course we love the companions of Allah's Apostle replied, he answered three verses of the Quran that is read by one of you in prayer is better for him than three camels are fat and pregnant by him "(Muslim).
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