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Rasululah SAW Bersabda : Rumah-rumah yang di dalamnya selalu dibacakan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an akan tampak oleh penghuni langit seperti bintang gemintang tampak oleh penghuni bumi, Setiap huruf dan bacaan al-Qur'an, memperoleh satu kebaikan dari Allah, yakni satu kebajikan berkelipatan sepuluh


“Ya Allah, maafkanlah kesalahan kami, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami. Dosa-dosa kedua ibu bapa kami, saudara-saudara kami serta sahabat-sahabat kami. Dan Engkau kurniakanlah rahmatMu kepada seluruh hamba-hambaMu. Ya Allah, dengan rendah diri dan rasa hina yang sangat tinggi. Lindungilah kami dari kesesatan kejahilan yang nyata mahupun yang terselindung. Sesungguhnya tiadalah sebaik-baik perlindung selain Engkau. Jauhkanlah kami dari syirik dan kekaguman kepada diri sendiri. Hindarkanlah kami dari kata-kata yang dusta. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang maha berkuasa di atas setiap sesuatu.”

Doa-Doa Mustajab

Doa-Doa Mustajab
"Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah aku dan anak cucuku orang-orang yang tetap mendirikan shalat, ya Tuhan kami perkenankanlah doaku. Ya Tuhan kami berikanlah ampunan kepadaku dan kepada kedua ibu bapakku dan sekalian orang-orang mukmin pada hari terjadinya hisab (hari kiamat)." (QS. Ibr�h�m: 41-42).

Daftar Nama Pemberi Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah

Suhartono Rp. 50.000, Sulasmi Rp. 150.000, Bambang SM Rp. 250.000, Agus Suharto Rp. 150.000, Marzuki Rp. 500.000, Belina S. Rp. 350.000, Agung M Rp. 200.000, Abd. Rojak Rp. 150.000, Achmad Sumarno Rp.75.000, Total Sementara Rp. 1.875.000 Terimakasih atas partisipasinya, semoga Allah mengganti dengan yang lebih baik dan menjadi amalan yang akan memperberat amal kebaikan di yaumil akhir.


**** Ya Allah kuingin terus berjumpa dengan bulan Ramadhan Ya Allah berilah kesempatan kepada kami untuk bisa terus berjumpa dengan bulan Ramadhan di tahun-tahun berikutnya. Kusadari, setelah kuperiksa catatan keuanganku ternyata belum banyak yang aku infaqkan, kubuka keuangan perusahaan, ternyata masih sedikit yang aku berikan di Jalan Allah. Kuberharap Ramadhan berikutnya bisa memaksimalkan ibadahku, memaksimalkan harta yang kuberikan di jalan Allah. Ya Allah terimalah apa yang kami punya yang akan segera ditransfer ke akhirat. berkahilah usaha kami, lapangkanlah rezeki kami. Ya Allah berilah ganti yang terbaik buat mereka yang telah mengeluarkan hartanya di jalan Allah. Sehatkanlah badannya, sehatkanlah pendengarannya dan sehatkanlah penglihatannya. Kabulkanlah hajat terbaik mereka, yang belum berjodoh agar dipertemukan dengan pasangan yang terbaik, yang belum punya anak, segera dapat mempunyai anak, yang sakit, sembuhkanlah, berkahilah usahanya, mudahkanlah urusannya dan lapangkanlah rezekinya. Ya Allah maafkanlah kesalahan-kesalahan kami, ampunila dosa-dosa kami dan rahmatilah kami.
“******** Tujuh golongan yg akan dinaungi oleh Allah di bawah naungan-Nya di hari tdk ada naungan kecuali naungan-Nya. 1. Pemimpin yg adil, 2. Pemuda yg sentiasa beribadat kepada Allah semasa hidupnya, 3. Orang yg hatinya sentiasa berpaut pada masjid-masjid 4. Dua orang yg saling mengasihi karena Allah, keduanya berkumpul dan berpisah karena Allah, 5. Seorang lelaki yg diundang oleh seorang perempuan yang mempunyai kedudukan dan rupa paras yg cantik utk melakukan kejahatan tetapi dia berkata, 'Aku takut kepada Allah!', 6. Seorang yg memberi sedekah tetapi dia merahsiakannya seolah-olah tangan kanan tidak tahu apa yg diberikan oleh tangan kirinya dan 7. Seseorang yg mengingati Allah di waktu sunyi sehingga mengalirkan air mata dr kedua matanya" (HR. Bukhari & Muslim).”
“***** Ya Allah, maafkanlah kesalahan kami, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami. Dosa-dosa kedua ibu bapa kami, saudara-saudara kami serta sahabat-sahabat kami. Dan Engkau kurniakanlah rahmatMu kepada seluruh hamba-hambaMu. Ya Allah, dengan rendah diri dan rasa hina yang sangat tinggi. Lindungilah kami dari kesesatan kejahilan yang nyata mahupun yang terselindung. Sesungguhnya tiadalah sebaik-baik perlindung selain Engkau. Jauhkanlah kami dari syirik dan kekaguman kepada diri sendiri. Hindarkanlah kami dari kata-kata yang dusta. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang maha berkuasa di atas setiap sesuatu.”

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Qiamat Heaven And Hell

 Believing in the Last Day.
One of the joints between the pillars of faith to believe by every believer is: believe in Judgement Day, more than that faith in the Day of Resurrection is the most important element of the trust of Allah.
that believe in Allah will raise confidence in the first source, which it created the whole universe and its contents, while trust in the Day of Resurrection will be able to strengthen confidence how the end of the end of the matter that ever existed in this world.
By knowing the beginning nor end, origin and destination of all these entities, as well as find out who is the source and how to end one day, then one can direct the future goal to be achieved towards the end of the road transit of eternal paradise.
What Man Created For?
Through the holy book the Qur'an Allah gives information that so firmly, that He created man on earth not in vain, without purpose is noble and lofty targets. For such a case is contrary to the nature of God almighty perfect and holy, for what God created man on earth than the angels, and the caliph on planet earth, surely God has a purpose and a special target for the named people. We consider the following words of God Almighty, "Are you guys really think that WE (God) created you are playing alone, and that you will not be returned to the U.S.? The Most High God, King of the truth, there is no god but Him, the Lord which has a glorious throne (Surat al-Mu'minun :115-116).
Humans are given the advantages granted by Allah Almighty to him, he was responsible for carrying out the task of the treatise, namely: a fiduciary caliphate of Allah on this earth, assumed command and the duty to obey God's commands and prohibitions, which at the time of his immediate future will be held accountable before God SWT.
If any irregularities are committed by men, as well as the deviation from the rules and the true doctrine, ultimately leading to a mere digression, Allah says: "Does man think that he will be left with no accountability?, Not once a drop of semen which is poured into the womb, then sperm into a clot, then God created him and then refine them daripadanyasepasang God made men and women, is not God who has done this, and also turn on the power of the dead? " (Surat al-Qiyamah: 36-40).
Definition of Judgement.
Judgement Day is preceded by melting of the universe, so on that day all the living creatures will die, the earth and the sky will also be replaced rather like the one today. On that day Allah will create a new universe, called the afterlife, the afterlife is dialam all beings will be resurrected, every soul will be returned to the body of each so that they are experiencing life for the second time after they die.
After they raised the Ba'th yaumul then every soul will be sucked, which is taken into account throughout the charity world for good or bad, then whoever's good deeds exceed the bad deeds, surely Allah will put it into a paradise full of pleasure, but when the opposite happened to him is the fire of hell full of torment painful and very heartbreaking.
Judgement in the testimony of Al-Quran.
In the established faith of the Day of Resurrection, the Qur'an gives a very special attention to this, there are three things that will be explained as follows:
Judgement Day is connected with belief in Allah as stated in surah Al-Baqarah 62 and 177.
"But the real good of it is faith in Allah and the Last Day" (Surat al-Baqara: 177).
"Indeed the believers, Jews, the Christians and the people shabiin, anyone around them who truly believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness, they will receive a reward from their Lord, there is no fear come upon them and nor will they grieve (Surah Al-Baqarah: 62).
The Quran mentions so many descriptions about the Day of Resurrection, and almost none of the letters of the Quran are not featuring the discussion about the Day of Judgement, also his account of things that can bring the soul and conscience, who sometimes uses the information and approach to reality, sometimes Similarly, asking imagery or metaphor.
Anyone who likes to learn the Koran and perform in-depth study of the verses, he would get that Allah did not tell the Day of Resurrection with just one name, but using a different name, and on each name it gives an understanding of what will happen on that day, all of which include difficulty and suffering, we can see some of the following names:
1. Yaumul Ba'tsi, as Allah SWT says: "And people said that given the science and faith (to the disbelievers) you actually have bersiam (inside the tomb), according to the ordinance of God, till the Day of Resurrection, then this is the Hour , yet you always do not believe it (Surah Ar-Rum: 56).

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