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Rasululah SAW Bersabda : Rumah-rumah yang di dalamnya selalu dibacakan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an akan tampak oleh penghuni langit seperti bintang gemintang tampak oleh penghuni bumi, Setiap huruf dan bacaan al-Qur'an, memperoleh satu kebaikan dari Allah, yakni satu kebajikan berkelipatan sepuluh


“Ya Allah, maafkanlah kesalahan kami, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami. Dosa-dosa kedua ibu bapa kami, saudara-saudara kami serta sahabat-sahabat kami. Dan Engkau kurniakanlah rahmatMu kepada seluruh hamba-hambaMu. Ya Allah, dengan rendah diri dan rasa hina yang sangat tinggi. Lindungilah kami dari kesesatan kejahilan yang nyata mahupun yang terselindung. Sesungguhnya tiadalah sebaik-baik perlindung selain Engkau. Jauhkanlah kami dari syirik dan kekaguman kepada diri sendiri. Hindarkanlah kami dari kata-kata yang dusta. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang maha berkuasa di atas setiap sesuatu.”

Doa-Doa Mustajab

Doa-Doa Mustajab
"Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah aku dan anak cucuku orang-orang yang tetap mendirikan shalat, ya Tuhan kami perkenankanlah doaku. Ya Tuhan kami berikanlah ampunan kepadaku dan kepada kedua ibu bapakku dan sekalian orang-orang mukmin pada hari terjadinya hisab (hari kiamat)." (QS. Ibr�h�m: 41-42).

Daftar Nama Pemberi Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah

Suhartono Rp. 50.000, Sulasmi Rp. 150.000, Bambang SM Rp. 250.000, Agus Suharto Rp. 150.000, Marzuki Rp. 500.000, Belina S. Rp. 350.000, Agung M Rp. 200.000, Abd. Rojak Rp. 150.000, Achmad Sumarno Rp.75.000, Total Sementara Rp. 1.875.000 Terimakasih atas partisipasinya, semoga Allah mengganti dengan yang lebih baik dan menjadi amalan yang akan memperberat amal kebaikan di yaumil akhir.


**** Ya Allah kuingin terus berjumpa dengan bulan Ramadhan Ya Allah berilah kesempatan kepada kami untuk bisa terus berjumpa dengan bulan Ramadhan di tahun-tahun berikutnya. Kusadari, setelah kuperiksa catatan keuanganku ternyata belum banyak yang aku infaqkan, kubuka keuangan perusahaan, ternyata masih sedikit yang aku berikan di Jalan Allah. Kuberharap Ramadhan berikutnya bisa memaksimalkan ibadahku, memaksimalkan harta yang kuberikan di jalan Allah. Ya Allah terimalah apa yang kami punya yang akan segera ditransfer ke akhirat. berkahilah usaha kami, lapangkanlah rezeki kami. Ya Allah berilah ganti yang terbaik buat mereka yang telah mengeluarkan hartanya di jalan Allah. Sehatkanlah badannya, sehatkanlah pendengarannya dan sehatkanlah penglihatannya. Kabulkanlah hajat terbaik mereka, yang belum berjodoh agar dipertemukan dengan pasangan yang terbaik, yang belum punya anak, segera dapat mempunyai anak, yang sakit, sembuhkanlah, berkahilah usahanya, mudahkanlah urusannya dan lapangkanlah rezekinya. Ya Allah maafkanlah kesalahan-kesalahan kami, ampunila dosa-dosa kami dan rahmatilah kami.
“******** Tujuh golongan yg akan dinaungi oleh Allah di bawah naungan-Nya di hari tdk ada naungan kecuali naungan-Nya. 1. Pemimpin yg adil, 2. Pemuda yg sentiasa beribadat kepada Allah semasa hidupnya, 3. Orang yg hatinya sentiasa berpaut pada masjid-masjid 4. Dua orang yg saling mengasihi karena Allah, keduanya berkumpul dan berpisah karena Allah, 5. Seorang lelaki yg diundang oleh seorang perempuan yang mempunyai kedudukan dan rupa paras yg cantik utk melakukan kejahatan tetapi dia berkata, 'Aku takut kepada Allah!', 6. Seorang yg memberi sedekah tetapi dia merahsiakannya seolah-olah tangan kanan tidak tahu apa yg diberikan oleh tangan kirinya dan 7. Seseorang yg mengingati Allah di waktu sunyi sehingga mengalirkan air mata dr kedua matanya" (HR. Bukhari & Muslim).”
“***** Ya Allah, maafkanlah kesalahan kami, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami. Dosa-dosa kedua ibu bapa kami, saudara-saudara kami serta sahabat-sahabat kami. Dan Engkau kurniakanlah rahmatMu kepada seluruh hamba-hambaMu. Ya Allah, dengan rendah diri dan rasa hina yang sangat tinggi. Lindungilah kami dari kesesatan kejahilan yang nyata mahupun yang terselindung. Sesungguhnya tiadalah sebaik-baik perlindung selain Engkau. Jauhkanlah kami dari syirik dan kekaguman kepada diri sendiri. Hindarkanlah kami dari kata-kata yang dusta. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang maha berkuasa di atas setiap sesuatu.”

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010


Maintenance of the Qur'an: 15:9, 75:17

Primacy of the Qur'an

Al Quran explains everything: 7:52, 10:37, 11:1, 12:111, 16:89, 17:89, 18:54, 26:2, 27:1, 28:2
Al-Quran as the word of God: 4:82, 11:17, 12:111, 20:99, 42:52, 45:8, 45:25, 75:19
Al Quran truly from God: 2:2, 2:23, 3:3, 3:7, 3:60, 3:62, 3:108, 4:82, 5:64, 6:91, 6: 92, 6:106, 6:114, 6:155, 6:157, 7:2, 7:3, 7:196, 10:15, 10:37, 12:3, 13:1, 15:9, 17:88, 17:105, 17:107, 18:1, 18:27, 20:4, 25:6, 26:192, 26:193, 26:194, 26:210, 26:211, 27: 6, 28:3, 28:44, 28:45, 28:53, 28:85, 28:86, 29:48, 29:51, 32:2, 35:31, 36:5, 37:37, 38:8, 38:29, 38:88, 39:1, 39:23, 39:41, 39:55, 40:2, 41:2, 41:42, 41:52, 42:17, 42: 52, 45:2, 45:6, 46:2, 55:2, 56:80, 69:43, 76:23, 81:25, 86:13, 86:14
Virtue word of Allah: 2:2, 3:3, 3:138, 4:59, 4:82, 5:15, 5:16, 5:47, 5:48, 5:49, 5:50, 6: 66, 6:92, 6:155, 6:157, 7:52, 7:203, 8:24, 9:33, 10:1, 10:37, 10:57, 10:58, 11:1, 11:17, 12:1, 12:3, 12:104, 12:111, 13:31, 14:1, 15:1, 15:87, 16:44, 16:64, 16:89, 16: 102, 17:9, 17:41, 17:78, 17:82, 17:89, 17:105, 18:1, 20:99, 21:50, 24:46, 25:1, 26:2, 26:210, 26:211, 27:1, 27:2, 27:6, 27:76, 27:77, 28:2, 28:49, 28:53, 28:86, 29:49, 29: 51, 31:2, 31:3, 32:3, 34:50, 35:31, 36:2, 36:4, 36:69, 37:37, 38:1, 38:29, 38:67, 38:87, 38:88, 39:23, 39:27, 39:28, 39:33, 41:3, 41:41, 41:42, 41:44, 41:53, 42:17, 42: 52, 43:2, 43:4, 43:43, 44:2, 45:6, 45:20, 46:30, 47:2, 50:1, 52:2, 56:76, 56:77, 56:78, 56:79, 59:21, 61:9, 62:2, 64:8, 65:11, 68:52, 69:40, 69:48, 69:51, 72:2, 72: 13, 74:54, 76:29, 77:50, 80:11, 80:12, 81:25, 81:27, 85:21, 85:22, 86:13, 98:2, 98:3
Al-Quran as the word's best: 6:155, 7:204, 12:111, 17:39, 18:1, 26:2, 39:23, 39:55
Cling to the primacy of the Qur'an: 2:2, 2:121, 6:155, 10:58, 11:17, 14:1, 16:89, 27:2, 27:77, 31:3, 39:23 , 39:55, 42:52, 43:43, 45:20, 46:30, 81:28
Sobriety while reading the Quran: 12:111, 13:28
Mount shatter when dropped off at the top of Al Quran: 59:21
Al-Quran as a good medicine: 7:52, 7:203, 7:204, 17:82, 41:44
Hold fast to the Book and Sunnah: 2:44, 3:32, 3:101, 3:132, 4:13, 4:59, 4:65, 4:69, 6:155, 8:1, 8:20 , 8:24, 8:46, 9:71, 18:110, 24:48, 24:51, 24:52, 24:54, 24:56, 33:2, 33:36, 43:43, 47 : 33, 58:13, 64:12, 81:28
Al-Quran as a way out of libel: 3:103, 4:59, 5:16, 6:155, 6:157, 7:52, 7:203, 27:77
Some of the names and nature of the Qur'an: 2:2, 2:97, 3:4, 3:58, 4:174, 5:15, 6:92, 10:57, 12:3, 13:37, 15:1 , 17:9, 17:82, 18:1, 18:2, 21:10, 21:50, 25:1, 27:1, 39:28, 39:32, 39:33, 39:41, 41 : 3, 41:41, 43:2, 44:2, 56:77, 56:78, 56:79, 85:21
Caution in the narrated Qur'an: 22:52

The virtue of reading the Quran

Prompts for always reading the Quran: 29:45, 33:34, 35:29, 87:6
The virtues most letters Quran
The virtues of Surat al-Fatihah: 15:87
Virtue letter Hud: 11:120
Surat an-Nur virtues: 24:1

Adab Al-Quran reading

Ta'awwudz read before reading the Quran: 16:98
Berhadas person touching the Qur'an: 56:79
Preoccupied as he heard the Qur'an: 7:204, 8:2, 17:107, 17:109, 25:73, 32:15, 39:23, 46:29, 57:16, 59:21, 94:7
Appreciate reading the Qur'an: 4:82, 18:54, 23:68, 25:73, 47:24, 59:21, 73:4
Crying while reading or hearing the Qur'an: 5:83, 53:60
Beautify the voice reading the Qur'an: 73:4
Reading the Koran aloud: 17:110
Always remember and recite the Quran: 33:34
Reading the Koran in the night: 3:113, 52:49
Forgot memorizing the Koran (in part or in full): 87:7
Act in accordance with the Quran: 2:121, 3:7, 3:31, 36:11, 43:43

Differences in the Qur'an: 2:176

Verse muhkam and mutasyabih: 3:7, 11:1

The fall in the Qur'an

Fall time of the Qur'an: 2:185, 97:1
Al Quran down the language of the Quraysh tribe: 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 19:97, 20:113, 26:195, 26:198, 39:28, 41:3, 41:44, 42: 7, 43:3, 44:58, 46:12
Al Quran down gradually: 17:106, 25:32
Al Hikmah decrease gradually Quran: 17:106, 25:32
The first verse was revealed: 96:1, 96:2, 96:3, 96:4, 96:5
Naskh (deletion) in the Qur'an
Evidence of naskh in the Qur'an: 2:106, 13:39, 16:101
The verse menaskhkan: 2:187, 2:191, 2:234, 2:286, 5:90, 8:66, 8:75, 9:5, 22:39, 33:6, 33:51, 58: 13, 66:9
The verse dinaskh: 2:180, 2:184, 2:240, 2:284, 4:8, 4:15, 4:16, 4:33, 4:43, 4:90, 4:91, 5: 13, 5:42, 8:65, 8:72, 33:52, 58:12
The Prophet and Jibril repeat reading Al Quran: 75:16, 75:17, 75:18, 75:19, 87:6
Threats to the person who denied the Qur'an: 3:78, 40:56, 40:69, 42:35
Threats to the man who changed the contents of the Qur'an: 3:7, 3:78, 4:46, 5:13, 5:41
Some people who cause the decline verses in the Qur'an
Verses related to Abu Bakr As Siddiq: 9:40, 24:22, 46:15, 49:2, 58:22, 92:17, 92:18, 92:19, 92:20, 92:21
Verses related to Abu Jahl: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 25:31, 25:41, 25:55, 44:49, 96:6, 96:7, 96:9 , 96:10, 96:11, 96:12, 96:13, 96:14, 96:15, 96:16, 96:17, 96:18, 96:19
Verses related to Abu Sufyan: 8:36, 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93
Paragraph relating to Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib: 9:113, 9:114, 28:56
Paragraph relating to the monk Abu Amir Ar: 9:107
Paragraph relating to the Abu Ubaydah Bin al Jarrah: 58:22
Paragraph relating to the Abu 'Aqil: 9:79
Paragraph relating to the Abu Lubabah bin al Munzir: 8:27, 8:28, 9:102
Verses related to Abu Lahab: 111:1, 111:2, 111:3
Verse associated with Ibn Umm Maktum: 80:1, 80:2, 80:3, 80:4, 80:5, 80:6, 80:7, 80:8, 80:9, 80:10
Paragraph relating to Akhnas bin Syariq al Thaqofi: 2:204, 68:10, 68:11, 68:12, 68:13, 68:14, 68:15, 68:16, 104:1, 104:2, 104:3, 104:4, 104:5, 104:6, 104:7, 104:8, 104:9
Verse associated with Saad bin Sa'yah: 4:162
Verse associated with Asad bin Abaid: 3:113, 4:162
Paragraph relating to Ash'ath bin Qais: 3:77
Paragraph relating to the Umayyad bin Khalaf: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 25:28, 25:29, 109:1
Verses related to Anas bin Nadhr: 33:23
Paragraph relating to Aus ibn Samit: 58:1, 58:2, 58:3, 58:4
Paragraph relating to the Bilal bin Rabah: 6:52, 18:28
Paragraph relating to Tsa'labah bin Sa'yah: 3:113, 4:162
Paragraph relating to Jabir ibn Abdullah: 4:176
Verse associated with the Al Jad bin Qais: 9:49
Paragraph relating to Hathib bin Abu Balta'ah: 60:1
Verse associated with Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib: 3:169, 3:170, 16:126, 16:127, 22:19
Paragraph relating to Huyai bin Akhtab: 4:51, 4:52
Paragraph relating to Khabab bin al Art: 6:52, 18:28
Verse associated with the Al Zubair bin Al 'Awwam: 4:65
Paragraph relating to Zaid bin Arqam: 63:7, 63:8
Paragraph relating to Zaid bin Harithah: 33:4, 33:37
Paragraph relating to Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas: 5:90, 6:52, 8:1, 18:28, 29:8, 31:14, 31:15
Paragraph relating to the Salman Al Farisi: 2:62, 6:52
Paragraph relating to Syaibah bin Rabi'a: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93
Paragraph relating to Safwan bin Umayyad: 8:36
Paragraph relating to Shuhaib Ar Rumi: 2:207, 6:52, 18:28
Paragraph relating to Dhamrah bin Jundub: 4:100
Paragraph relating to 'Amr ibn al Aiz Mazni: 9:91
Paragraph relating to Ta'mah bin Ubairaq: 4:105
Verse associated with the Al 'Ash bin Wail: 19:77, 19:78, 19:79, 19:80, 107:1, 107:2, 107:3, 108:3, 109:1
Paragraph relating to Ubadah bin Samit: 5:51, 5:52, 5:53
Paragraph relating to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib: 8:70, 9:19
Verses related to Abdullah bin Sarh Abis: 6:93
Verses related to Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul: 4:72, 5:51, 5:52, 5:53, 9:74, 9:80, 9:84, 24:11, 24:33, 63:1, 63:2, 63:3, 63:4, 63:5, 63:6, 63:7, 63:8
Verses related to Abdullah bin Umayyad: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93
Verses related to Abdullah bin Jahsh and his troops: 2:217
Verses related to Abdullah bin Hudzafah: 4:59
Verses related to Abdullah bin Rawahah: 2:221
Verses related to Abdullah bin Salam: 2:146, 2:208, 3:113, 4:162, 5:55, 46:10
Verses related to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: 6:52, 18:28
Paragraph relating to Ubaidillah bin Abi Rabi'a: 8:36
Paragraph relating to Ubaydah ibn al-Harith: 22:19
Paragraph relating to 'Utbah ibn Abi Rabi'a: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 22:19
Paragraph relating to 'Uthman bin Talha Al Juhami: 4:58
Paragraph relating to 'Uthman bin Affan: 39:9
Paragraph relating to 'Uthman ibn Mazh'un: 5:87, 5:88
Paragraph relating to Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith: 25:27, 25:28, 25:29
Paragraph relating to 'Aqil ibn Abu Talib: 8:70
Paragraph relating to 'Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl: 8:36
Paragraph relating to 'Ali ibn Abu Talib: 22:19, 32:18
Verses related to Ammar ibn Yasir: 16:106, 18:28
Paragraph relating to 'Umar bin Khattab: 45:14, 45:15, 49:2
Paragraph relating to Finhash: 3:181, 5:64
Paragraph relating to Qatadah bin Nu'man: 4:110, 4:111, 4:112
Paragraph relating to Qidar bin Salif: 91:12
Paragraph relating to Qais bin Shirmah: 2:187
Paragraph relating to Ka'b bin Al Ashraf: 4:51, 4:52, 4:60
Paragraph relating to Ka'b ibn 'Ajrah: 2:196
Paragraph relating to Ka'b ibn Malik: 9:106, 9:118
Paragraph relating to Murarah ibn al Rabi 'Al'Amry: 9:106, 9:118
Paragraph relating to Mistah bin Atsatsah: 24:22
Paragraph relating to Mus'ab bin 'Umair: 3:169, 3:170, 58:22
Paragraph relating to Ma'qil bin Yasar: 2:232
Verse associated with the Al Miqdad bin Al Aswad: 4:94, 18:28
Verse associated with An Nadhr bin Al-Harith: 8:31, 8:32, 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 70:1
Verse associated with bin Nawfal Al-Harith: 8:70
Paragraph relating to the Umayyad Hilal bin: 9:106, 9:118, 24:6, 24:7, 24:8, 24:9
Verse associated with the Al-Walid bin 'Utbah: 22:19
Verse associated with the Al-Walid bin 'Uqbah: 32:18, 49:6, 49:7
Verse associated with the Al-Walid bin Al Mughirah: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 53:33, 53:34, 53:35, 53:36, 74:11, 74:12, 74:13, 74:14, 74:15, 74:16, 74:17, 74:18, 74:19, 74:20, 74:21, 74:22, 74:23, 74:24, 74: 25, 74:26, 74:27, 109:1
Some women who fall for verses in the Qur'an
Paragraph relating to Asma 'bint Abi Bakr: 60:8
Verses related to Umm Jamil: 111:4, 111:5
Paragraph relating to the Umm Ad Syarik Dausiyah: 33:50
Paragraph relating to Umm Kulthum bint 'Uqbah: 60:10
Verse associated with Hafsa bint Umar: 66:1, 66:2, 66:3, 66:4, 66:5
Paragraph relating to Khaulah bint Tsa'labah: 58:1, 58:2, 58:3, 58:4
Paragraph relating to Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan: 60:7
Paragraph relating to Zainab bint Jahsh: 33:36, 33:37, 33:38
Paragraph relating to Aisha bint Al Siddiq: 24:11, 24:12, 24:13, 24:14, 24:15, 24:16, 66:1, 66:2, 66:3, 66:4, 66 : 5
Paragraph relating to the Fatima Bint Prophet: 33:33

Prostration recitations

Recitations prostration verses: 7:206, 13:15, 16:49, 17:107, 19:58, 22:18, 22:77, 25:60, 27:25, 32:15, 38:24, 41:37, 53:62, 84:21, 96:19

Miracles Quran

The challenge of the Qur'an: 2:1, 2:23, 3:1, 7:1, 10:1, 10:38, 11:1, 11:13, 12:1, 13:1, 14:1, 15: 1, 17:88, 19:1, 20:1, 26:1, 28:49, 31:1, 31:11, 32:1, 36:1, 37:157, 38:1, 40:1, 41:1, 42:1, 42:2, 43:1, 44:1, 45:1, 46:1, 46:4, 52:34, 52:37, 52:38, 68:1
Miracles language: 2:1, 2:23, 3:1, 4:82, 7:1, 10:1, 10:38, 11:1, 11:13, 12:1, 13:1, 14:1 , 15:1, 16:103, 19:1, 20:1, 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, 28:7, 29:1, 30:1, 31:1, 32:1, 36 : 1, 38:1, 40:1, 41:1, 42:1, 42:2, 43:1, 44:1, 45:1, 46:1, 50:1, 68:1
Miracles of science
Science fetus according to the Koran
Stage in the formation of the fetus: 16:4, 22:5, 23:13, 23:14, 35:11, 36:77, 39:6, 40:67, 71:14, 75:37, 75:38, 76 : 2, 77:20, 80:19, 86:6, 86:7, 96:2
Maintenance of the fetus in the womb: 23:13, 39:6, 77:21
Determination of sex of the baby: 3:6, 13:8
Development of babies senses: 16:78, 23:78, 32:9, 67:23, 76:2
Gestation: 46:15
Botany in the Qur'an
The mention of plants: 2:61, 2:261, 6:99, 10:24, 15:19, 16:11, 18:45, 20:53, 22:5, 23:19, 23:20, 26 : 7, 27:60, 31:10, 36:34, 36:36, 37:146, 50:7, 50:9, 78:15, 80:27
The need for water plants: 2:164, 6:99, 7:57, 10:24, 13:4, 13:17, 14:32, 15:22, 16:10, 16:11, 16:65, 18 : 45, 20:53, 22:5, 22:63, 23:19, 25:49, 27:60, 30:24, 30:50, 31:10, 32:27, 35:9, 35:27 , 39:21, 41:39, 43:11, 45:5, 50:9, 50:11, 78:15, 80:25
Effect of the wind in the fertilization of plants: 15:22
The importance of roots in plants: 14:24, 14:26
Effect of soil on plants: 2:265, 7:58, 13:4, 16:65
Influence of motion of the earth plant: 22:5, 41:39
Substance chlorophyll (green leaves) in plants: 6:99, 12:43, 12:46, 22:63, 36:80
Various kinds of plants: 2:22, 2:61, 6:99, 6:141, 7:57, 13:4, 15:19, 16:10, 16:11, 16:13, 16:67, 35: 27, 55:11, 55:12, 78:15, 80:28, 80:29, 80:30, 80:31, 87:4
Reproduce by seeding: 2:261, 6:99, 31:16, 80:27
The best way to save seeds: 12:47
Animal science in the Qur'an
Language animals: 6:38, 27:16, 27:18, 34:10
The mention of animals in the Qur'an: 2:65, 2:67, 2:68, 2:69, 2:71, 2:164, 2:173, 2:259, 3:14, 4:119, 4:153, 5:1, 5:3, 5:4, 5:60, 6:38, 6:136, 6:138, 6:139, 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 6:145, 6: 146, 7:40, 7:73, 7:77, 7:166, 7:176, 7:179, 8:60, 10:24, 11:64, 11:69, 12:13, 12:14, 12:17, 12:43, 12:46, 12:94, 16:5, 16:8, 16:66, 16:80, 16:115, 17:59, 18:18, 18:22, 20: 18, 20:54, 21:78, 22:18, 22:28, 22:30, 22:34, 23:21, 24:45, 25:44, 25:49, 26:133, 26:155, 31:19, 34:10, 35:28, 36:71, 37:142, 38:19, 38:23, 38:24, 38:31, 39:6, 40:79, 42:11, 42: 29, 43:12, 45:4, 47:12, 51:26, 54:27, 59:6, 62:5, 67:19, 74:50, 74:51, 79:33, 80:32, 105:1
Birds in the Quran
Theories fly in the Qur'an: 67:19
Artificial bird mentioned in the Qur'an: 2:57, 5:4, 5:31, 7:160, 12:41, 20:80, 27:20
Reptiles in the Qur'an: 7:107, 20:20, 24:45, 26:32
Water animals in the Qur'an: 5:96, 7:133, 7:163, 16:14, 18:61, 18:63, 35:12, 37:142, 68:48
Insects in the Qur'an
Cobwebs: 29:41
Kingdom of bees: 16:68, 16:69
Kingdom of ants: 27:18
The mention of flies: 22:73
The mention of mosquitoes: 2:26
The mention of lice: 7:133
The mention of locusts: 7:133, 54:7
Skin sensitivity: 4:56
Tree green energy sources: 24:35, 36:80, 56:72
Milk formation: 16:66, 23:21
Every creature in pairs: 4:1, 6:143, 13:3, 16:72, 20:53, 22:5, 26:7, 26:166, 30:21, 31:10, 35:11, 36: 36, 39:6, 42:11, 42:50, 43:12, 50:7, 51:49, 53:45, 55:52, 75:39, 78:8, 92:3
Privileged human fingerprint: 75:4
Dates maternity benefits for women: 19:23, 19:25, 19:26
The importance of nutrition keseimbagan: 6:141, 7:31
Wind energy: 10:22, 17:69, 21:81, 25:48, 30:46, 35:9, 42:33, 77:3
Water as a source of life: 2:164, 2:265, 6:99, 10:24, 14:32, 16:10, 16:11, 16:65, 20:53, 21:30, 22:5, 22 : 63, 23:19, 24:45, 25:49, 25:54, 27:60, 29:63, 30:24, 30:50, 31:10, 32:27, 35:9, 35:27 , 39:21, 41:39, 43:11, 45:5, 50:9, 50:11, 78:14, 80:25
Alcohol danger for humans: 2:219
Danger intercourse when menstruation: 2:222
Geographical phenomenon in the Qur'an
Water circulation in nature: 2:74, 7:57, 10:24, 15:22, 23:18, 79:31, 86:11
The phenomenon of surface tension of the earth: 2:164, 10:22, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 22:65, 25:53, 27:61, 31:31, 35:12, 36:41, 40 : 80, 42:32, 43:12, 45:12, 55:19, 55:20
Distance and short-wave phenomenon: 11:42, 24:40, 31:32
Demarcation between seawater and river water: 25:53, 27:61, 55:19, 55:20
The clouds that clot: 24:43, 52:44
Between air pressure and altitude opposites: 6:125
Formation of rain and wind: 2:164, 7:57, 13:12, 16:10, 24:43, 25:48, 30:48, 35:9, 78:14, 86:11
Spherical earth and turnover: 3:27, 22:61, 31:29, 35:13, 39:5, 50:7, 79:30
Gravity (gravity): 6:59, 19:25
Natural phenomenon in the Qur'an
The command to think and live: 2:44, 2:118, 2:219, 2:266, 3:65, 3:118, 4:82, 6:32, 6:50, 6:80, 6:151, 7:3, 7:26, 7:169, 7:176, 7:179, 7:184, 7:185, 8:57, 10:3, 10:5, 10:16, 10:101, 11: 24, 11:30, 11:51, 12:2, 12:109, 13:19, 14:5, 14:52, 16:17, 16:44, 16:48, 16:69, 16:79, 16:90, 21:10, 21:30, 21:67, 23:68, 23:85, 24:43, 26:7, 27:60, 27:61, 27:62, 27:63, 27: 64, 27:86, 28:60, 28:71, 28:72, 29:19, 29:20, 30:8, 30:21, 30:28, 30:42, 30:50, 31:29, 32:26, ​​32:27, 33:9, 34:9, 35:3, 35:27, 35:44, 36:62, 36:68, 36:73, 36:77, 37:73, 37: 138, 37:155, 39:21, 39:42, 43:3, 45:4, 45:20, 45:23, 47:24, 51:21, 52:36, 54:15, 54:17, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40, 56:58, 56:62, 56:68, 59:2, 59:21, 67:3, 67:4, 67:19, 80:24, 86: 5, 88:17
Contemplating God's creation: 2:164, 3:190, 3:191, 6:11, 6:75, 6:76, 6:77, 6:78, 6:99, 7:57, 10:6, 10: 24, 10:67, 12:105, 13:2, 13:3, 13:4, 15:19, 15:22, 16:11, 16:12, 16:13, 16:15, 16:65, 16:66, 16:67, 16:68, 16:69, 16:78, 17:12, 20:54, 21:16, 21:31, 21:32, 21:33, 23:84, 23: 86, 23:88, 24:44, 25:61, 25:62, 26:24, 26:28, 28:73, 29:44, 29:61, 30:21, 30:22, 30:23, 30:48, 35:9, 35:12, 35:28, 36:33, 36:34, 36:37, 36:41, 37:6, 37:88, 39:5, 39:42, 40: 13, 40:57, 40:61, 41:10, 41:37, 41:39, 41:53, 42:29, 42:32, 45:3, 45:4, 45:5, 45:12, 45:13, 50:6, 50:7, 50:9, 50:10, 51:20, 80:25, 80:26, 80:27, 80:28, 80:29, 80:30, 80: 31, 80:32, 88:18, 88:19, 88:20
The origin of the universe: 21:30, 41:11
Sunlight: 25:61, 71:16, 78:13
Moonlight: 10:5, 25:61, 71:16
The balance of the universe
The balance of the earth: 2:22, 13:3, 15:19, 16:15, 20:53, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 35:41, 41:10, 43:10, 50:7 , 51:48, 55:10, 71:19, 77:27, 78:6, 78:7, 79:32, 91:6
The balance of the heavenly bodies: 13:2, 21:33, 25:61, 31:29, 35:13, 35:41, 36:40
Damage to the balance on the Day of Resurrection: 25:25, 27:88, 50:44, 52:9, 52:10, 55:37, 56:4, 56:5, 56:6, 69:14, 69:16, 70:8, 70:9, 75:9, 77:9, 77:10, 78:19, 78:20, 79:6, 79:7, 81:1, 81:2, 81:3, 81: 6, 81:11, 82:1, 82:2, 82:3, 84:1, 84:3, 89:21, 99:1, 99:2, 101:5
Year syamsyiah and qamariyah: 13:2, 14:33, 16:12, 17:12, 18:25
Substitution of night and day: 2:164, 3:27, 3:190, 6:96, 10:6, 13:2, 13:3, 14:33, 16:12, 17:12, 21:33, 22 : 61, 23:80, 24:44, 25:62, 27:86, 31:29, 35:13, 36:37, 36:40, 39:5, 41:37, 45:5, 57:6 , 79:29, 91:3, 91:4, 92:2, 93:2
Turnover of the sun and moon: 2:164, 2:189, 2:258, 3:27, 3:190, 6:96, 10:5, 13:2, 14:33, 16:12, 21:33, 22 : 61, 35:13, 36:38, 36:40, 39:5, 40:61, 41:37, 45:5, 55:5, 91:2, 91:3, 91:4
The influence of the mountain on the balance of the Earth: 27:61, 31:10, 50:7, 77:27
Thunderstorms and lightning in the Qur'an: 2:19, 2:20, 13:12, 13:13
The phenomenon of the shadow in the Qur'an: 13:15, 16:48, 16:81, 25:45, 25:46
The phenomenon of mirage in the Qur'an: 24:39
The phenomenon of light refraction: 2:17
Natural expansion: 51:47
The destruction of the universe: 2:210, 14:48, 18:47, 20:105, 20:106, 20:107, 21:104, 25:25, 27:87, 39:68, 44:10, 50: 44, 55:26, 55:37, 56:1, 56:3, 56:4, 56:5, 56:6, 69:14, 69:16, 70:8, 70:9, 73:14, 73:18, 75:7, 75:8, 75:9, 77:8, 77:9, 77:10, 78:19, 78:20, 81:1, 81:2, 81:3, 81: 4, 81:5, 81:6, 81:7, 81:8, 81:9, 81:10, 81:11, 81:12, 82:1, 82:2, 82:3, 84:1, 84:2, 84:3, 84:5, 101:4, 101:5
Blue sky
The establishment of the sky in the Qur'an: 2:29, 11:7, 13:2, 15:14, 15:17, 17:44, 21:30, 22:65, 23:17, 23:86, 25:59, 31:10, 32:4, 37:6, 40:64, 41:11, 41:12, 50:6, 50:38, 51:7, 52:5, 55:7, 57:4, 65: 12, 67:3, 71:15, 78:12, 79:28, 85:1, 91:5
The stars in the Qur'an: 6:76, 6:97, 10:5, 13:2, 14:33, 15:16, 16:12, 16:16, 25:61, 37:6, 41:12 , 50:6, 56:75, 67:5, 71:16, 78:13, 86:1, 86:2, 86:3
Meteor in the Qur'an: 15:18, 37:8, 37:10, 41:12, 67:5, 72:8, 72:9, 86:1, 86:2
Wisdom exposure verses creation of the universe: 86:3, 10:24, 10:67, 11:7, 12:105, 13:3, 13:4, 16:11, 16:12, 16:13, 16:14 , 16:15, 16:79, 25:62, 26:8, 26:24, 29:44, 30:21, 30:22, 30:23, 30:24, 30:46, 31:31, 32 : 4, 32:27, 35:12, 36:35, 39:21, 40:13, 42:33, 43:10, 45:3, 45:4, 45:5, 45:12, 45:13 , 50:8, 51:49, 56:73, 57:25
Earth sciences in the Qur'an
The mention of the mountain: 7:74, 7:171, 11:42, 11:43, 13:31, 14:46, 15:82, 16:68, 16:81, 17:37, 18:47, 19:90 , 20:105, 21:79, 22:18, 26:149, 27:88, 33:72, 34:10, 35:27, 38:18, 52:10, 56:5, 59:21, 69 : 14, 70:9, 72:14, 73:14, 77:10, 78:7, 78:20, 79:32, 81:3, 88:19, 101:5
Various kinds of soil: 35:27
Various kinds of stone: 2:74
Minerals and precious stones: 3:14, 3:91, 7:148, 9:34, 13:17, 16:14, 17:50, 18:96, 34:10, 34:12, 35:12, 35:33, 43:33, 43:53, 55:22, 57:25, 76:19, 76:21
Cues history in the Qur'an
Period conceit of the Jews on earth: 17:4, 17:5, 17:6
Kemenagan the Romans over the Persian nation: 30:2, 30:3, 30:4
The relationship of Jews and Christians: 5:14

The stories and parables in the Qur'an

Stories of the Qur'an
The story of the creation of man
The creation of human origin: 3:59, 6:2, 7:12, 15:26, 15:28, 15:29, 15:33, 17:61, 18:37, 20:55, 22:5, 23: 12, 25:54, 30:20, 32:7, 35:11, 37:11, 38:71, 38:76, 40:67, 55:14, 71:17
The way humans reproduce: 4:1, 6:98, 7:189, 16:4, 16:72, 22:5, 32:8, 35:11, 40:67, 42:11, 71:14, 75: 37, 75:39, 78:8, 86:5, 86:6, 86:7, 92:3
Enmity between Satan and man: 2:34, 2:36, 2:168, 2:169, 2:208, 4:118, 4:119, 4:120, 5:91, 6:142, 7:11, 7:12, 7:16, 7:17, 7:20, 7:21, 7:22, 7:24, 7:27, 12:5, 14:22, 15:33, 15:36, 15: 38, 15:39, 17:53, 17:62, 17:64, 18:50, 20:116, 20:117, 20:120, 28:15, 31:21, 34:20, 35:6, 36:60, 36:62, 37:30, 37:32, 38:74, 38:75, 38:76, 38:82, 43:62
The duty of man on earth: 2:21, 2:30, 2:138, 6:165, 7:129, 10:14, 11:7, 11:61, 21:105, 22:41, 23:115, 24:55, 27:62, 28:5, 35:39, 43:60, 67:2, 90:4
Heaven exercises: 2:35, 7:19, 7:20, 7:22, 20:117, 20:118, 20:119
Man was created tribes and nation-nation: 30:22, 49:13
Range of the human soul
Ammara nafs (soul that is always sent to the crime): 4:79, 12:53
Lawwamah nafs (soul who always regretted): 75:2
Muthmainnah nafs (soul quiet): 89:27
Human nature
Hurry man: 2:214, 17:11, 21:37, 26:204
Man laments: 6:63, 10:12, 11:9, 14:34, 41:49, 70:19, 70:20, 89:16
Human greed and miserly: 4:32, 4:128, 17:100, 64:16, 70:18, 70:21, 74:15, 89:19, 89:20, 100:8, 102:1
Human stubborn: 6:143, 7:71, 8:6, 10:15, 11:8, 11:32, 16:4, 18:54, 18:55, 19:66, 20:51, 20: 134, 21:2, 21:3, 21:5, 21:6, 21:38, 21:55, 21:93, 22:3, 22:8, 22:46, 26:203, 29:18, 29:24, 29:29, 31:20, 31:21, 32:28, 34:35, 36:48, 36:77, 40:4, 40:35, 43:58, 46:17, 46: 22, 52:32, 67:25, 68:36, 68:37, 68:38, 68:39, 68:40, 68:41, 74:18, 74:21, 74:22, 74:52, 82:6, 90:5, 90:6, 90:7
Man was created in the best shape: 23:14, 40:64, 64:3, 82:7, 82:8, 87:2, 90:8, 90:9, 95:4
God will favor human infidelity: 2:49, 2:211, 2:243, 5:20, 5:75, 5:86, 6:6, 6:21, 6:33, 6:46, 6:64, 6:66, 6:104, 6:130, 6:157, 7:10, 7:40, 7:51, 7:63, 7:69, 7:74, 7:86, 7:182, 10: 12, 10:21, 10:23, 10:60, 11:9, 12:38, 14:34, 16:4, 16:54, 16:58, 16:59, 16:71, 16:72, 16:82, 16:83, 16:112, 17:67, 17:83, 18:57, 21:32, 21:42, 22:38, 22:66, 23:75, 23:78, 25: 50, 26:8, 26:67, 26:136, 26:137, 27:60, 27:73, 27:82, 27:83, 28:57, 28:78, 29:49, 29:61, 29:65, 29:66, 29:67, 30:33, 30:36, 30:51, 31:20, 31:32, 32:9, 33:72, 34:13, 34:16, 34: 19, 34:28, 36:35, 36:73, 39:8, 39:49, 40:61, 41:50, 41:51, 42:48, 43:15, 46:26, 53:55, 55:13, 55:16, 55:18, 55:21, 55:23, 55:25, 55:28, 55:30, 55:32, 55:34, 55:36, 55:38, 55: 40, 55:42, 55:45, 55:47, 55:49, 55:51, 55:53, 55:55, 55:57, 55:59, 55:61, 55:63, 55:65, 55:67, 55:69, 55:71, 55:73, 55:75, 55:77, 56:82, 67:21, 67:23, 96:6, 96:7, 100:6, 100: 7
Human science bit: 2:140, 2:216, 2:232, 2:239, 2:255, 3:7, 3:66, 4:157, 5:109, 6:37, 7:187, 12: 21, 12:68, 12:76, 16:38, 16:41, 16:74, 16:101, 17:85, 18:5, 20:110, 24:19, 27:61, 27:65, 27:66, 27:84, 28:13, 30:6, 30:7, 30:29, 33:72, 40:83, 43:20, 45:24, 79:43, 89:15, 89: 16
Human weakness: 4:28, 5:30, 6:134, 7:143, 8:59, 9:2, 9:3, 9:25, 10:24, 10:53, 11:20, 11:33 , 11:57, 13:11, 16:46, 18:41, 21:40, 24:57, 25:19, 29:22, 30:9, 30:54, 36:43, 39:51, 40 : 29, 40:82, 42:31, 51:45, 55:33, 55:35, 56:66, 56:67, 56:87, 60:4, 69:47, 72:21, 77:39 , 90:5, 90:6, 90:7
God's gift to man
The apostles were sent to give guidance: 2:53, 2:129, 2:151, 2:170, 2:176, 2:198, 2:209, 2:211, 2:213, 2:231, 2:253 , 3:4, 3:103, 3:108, 3:164, 3:183, 3:184, 4:54, 4:79, 4:80, 4:165, 4:170, 4:174, 5 : 3, 5:7, 5:15, 5:16, 5:19, 5:32, 5:75, 5:104, 5:110, 6:5, 6:19, 6:42, 6:48 , 6:84, 6:85, 6:86, 6:87, 6:89, 6:91, 6:104, 6:105, 6:130, 6:151, 6:153, 6:154, 7 : 35, 7:43, 7:53, 7:59, 7:61, 7:62, 7:63, 7:64, 7:67, 7:68, 7:69, 7:70, 7:73 , 7:80, 7:85, 7:89, 7:101, 7:104, 7:145, 9:33, 9:70, 9:115, 9:128, 10:13, 10:47, 10 : 71, 10:74, 10:75, 10:108, 11:25, 12:38, 12:104, 13:7, 13:30, 13:38, 14:4, 14:5, 14:9 , 14:36, 16:36, 16:43, 16:44, 16:63, 16:113, 19:21, 20:50, 20:123, 20:134, 21:25, 21:48, 21 : 107, 22:49, 22:75, 22:78, 23:73, 25:51, 26:10, 26:16, 26:107, 26:125, 26:143, 26:162, 26:178 , 26:208, 27:12, 28:46, 28:47, 28:59, 29:47, 30:9, 30:47, 34:34, 35:24, 35:42, 36:3, 36 : 13, 36:14, 36:16, 37:72, 37:123, 37:133, 37:139, 37:147, 39:71, 40:15, 40:22, 40:23, 40:50 , 40:53, 40:54, 40:78, 41:14, 43:5, 43:6, 43:7, 43:24, 43:29, 43:46, 43:63, 44:5, 44 : 6, 44:13, 46:9, 46:21, 48:9, 48:28, 49:17, 50:28, 51:55, 53:23, 57:9, 57:25, 57:26 , 57:27, 61:6, 61:9, 62:2, 64:6, 65:10, 65:11, 67:8, 67:9, 71:1, 71:2, 73:15, 76 : 3, 79:17, 79:18, 92:12, 98:1, 98:4
Human beings are glorified: 2:31, 2:33, 2:34, 7:10, 7:11, 7:12, 7:19, 7:26, 16:78, 16:80, 16:81, 17 : 62, 17:70, 22:78, 40:64
All beings were created for the benefit of man: 2:29, 6:6, 6:142, 7:74, 13:3, 13:4, 14:32, 15:19, 15:20, 15:22, 16:13 , 16:15, 16:65, 16:67, 16:68, 16:69, 20:53, 22:37, 22:65, 26:133, 26:134, 31:20, 35:12, 36 : 72, 36:80, 40:79, 40:80, 45:13, 87:4
Falak was created for the benefit of man: 2:164, 10:22, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:70, 22:65, 23:22, 30:46, 31:31, 35:12, 36:41, 40:80, 42:32, 43:12, 45:12, 51:3, 55:24
Human sustenance is guaranteed by Allah: 2:22, 2:60, 2:168, 2:172, 4:5, 5:88, 6:99, 6:141, 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 6 : 151, 7:32, 7:160, 8:26, 9:28, 10:31, 10:59, 10:93, 11:3, 11:6, 14:32, 15:20, 16:72 , 16:112, 16:114, 17:70, 29:17, 29:60, 29:62, 30:37, 30:40, 34:15, 34:24, 34:36, 36:47, 39 : 52, 40:13, 40:64, 41:10, 42:12, 42:19, 42:27, 51:22, 51:58, 53:48, 62:10, 62:11, 65:3 , 67:15, 67:21, 106:4
Earth is prepared for human habitation: 2:22, 2:29, 2:36, 6:99, 7:10, 7:24, 7:74, 10:5, 13:3, 13:4, 14:32 , 15:19, 15:20, 15:22, 16:13, 16:15, 16:81, 17:12, 20:53, 20:54, 22:65, 23:18, 23:19, 23 : 20, 26:7, 27:61, 27:86, 28:73, 31:10, 36:33, 36:34, 40:61, 40:64, 43:10, 43:11, 50:9 , 51:48, 55:10, 67:15, 71:19, 71:20, 77:25, 77:26, 77:27, 78:6, 78:7, 79:31, 79:32, 79 : 33, 88:20, 91:6
The gift of stars star: 2:189, 6:97, 15:16, 16:16, 27:63, 37:6
Human use of animals: 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 16:5, 16:6, 16:7, 16:8, 16:66, 16:80, 23:21, 23:22, 36: 42, 36:71, 36:72, 36:73, 40:79, 40:80, 43:12, 43:13
Winds as good news for humans: 7:57, 30:46, 30:48
The amount of the gift of God in humans: 2:243, 4:70, 4:113, 4:175, 5:20, 6:46, 6:104, 6:141, 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 7:10, 7:26, 7:32, 7:63, 7:69, 7:74, 7:143, 7:145, 7:172, 8:26, 10:31, 10:60, 13: 3, 13:4, 13:11, 14:32, 14:33, 14:34, 15:19, 15:20, 15:22, 16:5, 16:6, 16:7, 16:8, 16:10, 16:11, 16:13, 16:14, 16:15, 16:16, 16:18, 16:53, 16:65, 16:66, 16:67, 16:68, 16: 69, 16:71, 16:72, 16:78, 16:80, 16:81, 17:12, 17:66, 17:70, 17:87, 21:42, 25:47, 25:48, 25:49, 25:50, 25:53, 26:7, 26:132, 26:133, 26:134, 26:147, 26:148, 26:149, 27:60, 27:61, 27: 62, 27:63, 27:64, 27:73, 27:86, 28:5, 28:6, 28:13, 28:57, 28:71, 28:72, 28:73, 28:76, 29:51, 29:61, 30:54, 31:20, 34:18, 35:3, 36:42, 39:6, 39:21, 45:12, 45:13, 57:25, 73: 7, 74:6, 76:28, 78:9, 78:10, 78:11, 78:16, 80:20, 80:25, 80:26, 80:27, 80:28, 80:29, 80:30, 80:31, 80:32, 82:7, 96:5
The story of the Jews in the Qur'an
Religious Jews: 2:43, 2:83, 2:84, 2:91, 2:111, 2:113, 2:183, 3:20, 9:30, 9:31, 17:2, 98: 5
The advantages given by God to the Jews: 2:40, 2:47, 2:49, 2:50, 2:52, 2:53, 2:56, 2:57, 2:58, 2:60, 2: 61, 2:64, 2:122, 4:54, 4:153, 5:12, 5:15, 5:20, 5:71, 7:140, 7:141, 7:160, 7:161, 10:93, 14:6, 17:4, 20:80, 20:81, 26:59, 28:5, 28:6, 40:53, 44:25, 44:26, 44:27, 44: 28, 44:30, 44:31, 44:32, 45:16, 45:17
The prophets of Bani Israel: 2:133, 3:49, 3:93, 4:153, 5:12, 5:20, 5:46, 5:70, 5:78, 5:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 20:24, 20:29, 20:30, 20:42, 20:43, 20:44, 20:47, 20:90, 23:45, 28:34, 28: 35, 40:23, 40:34, 43:46, 43:59
The Jews conceal the truth: 2:42, 2:89, 2:101, 2:109, 2:140, 2:144, 2:146, 2:159, 2:174, 2:175, 3:19, 3 : 70, 3:71, 3:72, 3:75, 3:78, 3:99, 3:187, 4:46, 4:51, 5:13, 5:15, 5:41, 5:43 , 6:20, 6:91, 6:114, 7:162, 7:169
Invites the Jewish people for jihad: 2:58, 2:246, 5:21, 5:23, 5:24, 7:161
Torture and expulsion of the Jews
Humiliation and expulsion of the Jews: 2:61, 3:112, 7:152, 7:165, 7:166, 7:167, 7:168, 14:6, 17:5, 17:7, 26:57, 26:58
God's wrath against the Jews: 1:7, 2:61, 2:90, 3:112, 5:60, 7:152, 20:86, 58:14, 60:13
Fallacy of the Jews in the Sinai desert: 5:26
The mention Thuur Sinaa '(hill Thur Sina'): 2:63, 2:93, 2:154, 19:52, 20:80, 23:20, 28:29, 28:46, 52:1, 95:2
Thuur appointed to the top of the hill of the Jews: 2:63, 2:93, 4:154, 7:171
Destroy the Israelites by lightning: 2:55, 4:153, 7:155
Believers among the Jews: 2:62, 3:113, 3:114, 3:199, 4:162, 5:44, 5:66, 5:69, 7:120, 7:121, 7 : 123, 7:124, 7:125, 7:126, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:170, 10:83, 10:85, 10:86, 10:87, 13:36 , 13:43, 17:107, 20:70, 20:72, 20:73, 26:46, 26:47, 26:48, 26:50, 26:51, 28:52, 28:53, 28 : 54, 28:55, 29:47, 32:24
The village where Jews break a promise on Saturday: 2:62, 3:113, 3:114, 3:199, 4:162, 5:44, 5:66, 5:69, 7:120, 7:121, 7:123, 7:124, 7:125, 7:126, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:170, 10:83, 10:85, 10:86, 10:87, 13: 36, 13:43, 17:107, 20:70, 20:72, 20:73, 26:46, 26:47, 26:48, 26:50, 26:51, 28:52, 28:53, 28:54, 28:55, 29:47, 32:24
The story of the cow (bovine): 2:65, 4:154, 7:163, 7:166
Jewish attitudes toward the books of celestial: 2:67, 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71
Jewish attitudes towards religion-religions of the Book: 2:75, 2:78, 2:79, 2:85, 2:87, 2:89, 2:91, 2:101, 2:174, 2:176, 2: 211, 3:23, 3:78, 3:98, 4:46, 5:15, 5:64, 5:68, 6:20, 6:91, 7:169, 7:170, 7:171, 11:110, 15:90, 41:45, 62:5
The weakness of faith of the Jews: 2:44, 2:55, 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71, 2:74, 2:75, 2:76, 2:100, 2:247, 2 : 249, 3:75, 4:153, 4:161, 5:71, 7:129, 7:134, 7:138, 7:148, 7:150, 7:160, 7:163, 7:169 , 16:118, 17:101, 20:85, 20:86, 20:87, 20:88, 20:92, 20:96, 26:61, 43:49, 43:50, 43:54, 45 : 17, 62:6, 62:7
Disavowal and the obduracy of the Jews: 2:41, 2:42, 2:51, 2:54, 2:55, 2:59, 2:61, 2:65, 2:68, 2:69, 2: 70, 2:71, 2:74, 2:75, 2:76, 2:80, 2:83, 2:85, 2:86, 2:87, 2:88, 2:89, 2:90, 2:91, 2:92, 2:93, 2:101, 2:102, 2:103, 2:108, 2:111, 2:137, 2:140, 2:145, 2:146, 2: 174, 2:211, 2:246, 2:247, 3:19, 3:21, 3:23, 3:24, 3:52, 3:55, 3:65, 3:70, 3:93, 3:98, 3:99, 3:112, 3:181, 3:183, 3:187, 4:44, 4:46, 4:51, 4:153, 4:155, 4:156, 4: 160, 5:13, 5:22, 5:24, 5:25, 5:32, 5:43, 5:59, 5:60, 5:64, 5:65, 5:66, 5:70, 5:71, 5:79, 5:80, 5:81, 5:110, 6:20, 6:91, 6:114, 6:146, 7:133, 7:135, 7:136, 7: 138, 7:148, 7:150, 7:160, 7:162, 7:166, 7:169, 9:34, 10:93, 14:8, 16:118, 17:101, 20:91, 26:67, 26:197, 27:76, 44:21, 45:17, 58:8, 61:6, 98:4
Broken promise and the hardness of the hearts of the Jews: 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71, 2:108, 4:160, 6:91, 6:146, 7:132, 7:133, 43: 49, 43:50
The attitude of the Jews against the Prophet - Prophets: 2:61, 2:87, 2:91, 2:104, 2:140, 2:247, 3:21, 3:55, 3:66, 3:112, 3: 181, 3:183, 4:46, 4:153, 4:155, 4:157, 5:70, 43:49, 43:52, 43:53, 58:8, 59:4, 61:5

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