Primacy of the Qur'an
Al Quran explains everything: 7:52, 10:37, 11:1, 12:111, 16:89, 17:89, 18:54, 26:2, 27:1, 28:2
Al-Quran as the word of God: 4:82, 11:17, 12:111, 20:99, 42:52, 45:8, 45:25, 75:19
Al Quran truly from God: 2:2, 2:23, 3:3, 3:7, 3:60, 3:62, 3:108, 4:82, 5:64, 6:91, 6: 92, 6:106, 6:114, 6:155, 6:157, 7:2, 7:3, 7:196, 10:15, 10:37, 12:3, 13:1, 15:9, 17:88, 17:105, 17:107, 18:1, 18:27, 20:4, 25:6, 26:192, 26:193, 26:194, 26:210, 26:211, 27: 6, 28:3, 28:44, 28:45, 28:53, 28:85, 28:86, 29:48, 29:51, 32:2, 35:31, 36:5, 37:37, 38:8, 38:29, 38:88, 39:1, 39:23, 39:41, 39:55, 40:2, 41:2, 41:42, 41:52, 42:17, 42: 52, 45:2, 45:6, 46:2, 55:2, 56:80, 69:43, 76:23, 81:25, 86:13, 86:14
Virtue word of Allah: 2:2, 3:3, 3:138, 4:59, 4:82, 5:15, 5:16, 5:47, 5:48, 5:49, 5:50, 6: 66, 6:92, 6:155, 6:157, 7:52, 7:203, 8:24, 9:33, 10:1, 10:37, 10:57, 10:58, 11:1, 11:17, 12:1, 12:3, 12:104, 12:111, 13:31, 14:1, 15:1, 15:87, 16:44, 16:64, 16:89, 16: 102, 17:9, 17:41, 17:78, 17:82, 17:89, 17:105, 18:1, 20:99, 21:50, 24:46, 25:1, 26:2, 26:210, 26:211, 27:1, 27:2, 27:6, 27:76, 27:77, 28:2, 28:49, 28:53, 28:86, 29:49, 29: 51, 31:2, 31:3, 32:3, 34:50, 35:31, 36:2, 36:4, 36:69, 37:37, 38:1, 38:29, 38:67, 38:87, 38:88, 39:23, 39:27, 39:28, 39:33, 41:3, 41:41, 41:42, 41:44, 41:53, 42:17, 42: 52, 43:2, 43:4, 43:43, 44:2, 45:6, 45:20, 46:30, 47:2, 50:1, 52:2, 56:76, 56:77, 56:78, 56:79, 59:21, 61:9, 62:2, 64:8, 65:11, 68:52, 69:40, 69:48, 69:51, 72:2, 72: 13, 74:54, 76:29, 77:50, 80:11, 80:12, 81:25, 81:27, 85:21, 85:22, 86:13, 98:2, 98:3
Al-Quran as the word's best: 6:155, 7:204, 12:111, 17:39, 18:1, 26:2, 39:23, 39:55
Cling to the primacy of the Qur'an: 2:2, 2:121, 6:155, 10:58, 11:17, 14:1, 16:89, 27:2, 27:77, 31:3, 39:23 , 39:55, 42:52, 43:43, 45:20, 46:30, 81:28
Sobriety while reading the Quran: 12:111, 13:28
Mount shatter when dropped off at the top of Al Quran: 59:21
Al-Quran as a good medicine: 7:52, 7:203, 7:204, 17:82, 41:44
Hold fast to the Book and Sunnah: 2:44, 3:32, 3:101, 3:132, 4:13, 4:59, 4:65, 4:69, 6:155, 8:1, 8:20 , 8:24, 8:46, 9:71, 18:110, 24:48, 24:51, 24:52, 24:54, 24:56, 33:2, 33:36, 43:43, 47 : 33, 58:13, 64:12, 81:28
Al-Quran as a way out of libel: 3:103, 4:59, 5:16, 6:155, 6:157, 7:52, 7:203, 27:77
Some of the names and nature of the Qur'an: 2:2, 2:97, 3:4, 3:58, 4:174, 5:15, 6:92, 10:57, 12:3, 13:37, 15:1 , 17:9, 17:82, 18:1, 18:2, 21:10, 21:50, 25:1, 27:1, 39:28, 39:32, 39:33, 39:41, 41 : 3, 41:41, 43:2, 44:2, 56:77, 56:78, 56:79, 85:21
Caution in the narrated Qur'an: 22:52
The virtue of reading the Quran
Prompts for always reading the Quran: 29:45, 33:34, 35:29, 87:6
The virtues most letters Quran
The virtues of Surat al-Fatihah: 15:87
Virtue letter Hud: 11:120
Surat an-Nur virtues: 24:1
Adab Al-Quran reading
Ta'awwudz read before reading the Quran: 16:98
Berhadas person touching the Qur'an: 56:79
Preoccupied as he heard the Qur'an: 7:204, 8:2, 17:107, 17:109, 25:73, 32:15, 39:23, 46:29, 57:16, 59:21, 94:7
Appreciate reading the Qur'an: 4:82, 18:54, 23:68, 25:73, 47:24, 59:21, 73:4
Crying while reading or hearing the Qur'an: 5:83, 53:60
Beautify the voice reading the Qur'an: 73:4
Reading the Koran aloud: 17:110
Always remember and recite the Quran: 33:34
Reading the Koran in the night: 3:113, 52:49
Forgot memorizing the Koran (in part or in full): 87:7
Act in accordance with the Quran: 2:121, 3:7, 3:31, 36:11, 43:43
Differences in the Qur'an: 2:176
Verse muhkam and mutasyabih: 3:7, 11:1
The fall in the Qur'an
Fall time of the Qur'an: 2:185, 97:1
Al Quran down the language of the Quraysh tribe: 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 19:97, 20:113, 26:195, 26:198, 39:28, 41:3, 41:44, 42: 7, 43:3, 44:58, 46:12
Al Quran down gradually: 17:106, 25:32
Al Hikmah decrease gradually Quran: 17:106, 25:32
The first verse was revealed: 96:1, 96:2, 96:3, 96:4, 96:5
Naskh (deletion) in the Qur'an
Evidence of naskh in the Qur'an: 2:106, 13:39, 16:101
The verse menaskhkan: 2:187, 2:191, 2:234, 2:286, 5:90, 8:66, 8:75, 9:5, 22:39, 33:6, 33:51, 58: 13, 66:9
The verse dinaskh: 2:180, 2:184, 2:240, 2:284, 4:8, 4:15, 4:16, 4:33, 4:43, 4:90, 4:91, 5: 13, 5:42, 8:65, 8:72, 33:52, 58:12
The Prophet and Jibril repeat reading Al Quran: 75:16, 75:17, 75:18, 75:19, 87:6
Threats to the person who denied the Qur'an: 3:78, 40:56, 40:69, 42:35
Threats to the man who changed the contents of the Qur'an: 3:7, 3:78, 4:46, 5:13, 5:41
Some people who cause the decline verses in the Qur'an
Verses related to Abu Bakr As Siddiq: 9:40, 24:22, 46:15, 49:2, 58:22, 92:17, 92:18, 92:19, 92:20, 92:21
Verses related to Abu Jahl: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 25:31, 25:41, 25:55, 44:49, 96:6, 96:7, 96:9 , 96:10, 96:11, 96:12, 96:13, 96:14, 96:15, 96:16, 96:17, 96:18, 96:19
Verses related to Abu Sufyan: 8:36, 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93
Paragraph relating to Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib: 9:113, 9:114, 28:56
Paragraph relating to the monk Abu Amir Ar: 9:107
Paragraph relating to the Abu Ubaydah Bin al Jarrah: 58:22
Paragraph relating to the Abu 'Aqil: 9:79
Paragraph relating to the Abu Lubabah bin al Munzir: 8:27, 8:28, 9:102
Verses related to Abu Lahab: 111:1, 111:2, 111:3
Verse associated with Ibn Umm Maktum: 80:1, 80:2, 80:3, 80:4, 80:5, 80:6, 80:7, 80:8, 80:9, 80:10
Paragraph relating to Akhnas bin Syariq al Thaqofi: 2:204, 68:10, 68:11, 68:12, 68:13, 68:14, 68:15, 68:16, 104:1, 104:2, 104:3, 104:4, 104:5, 104:6, 104:7, 104:8, 104:9
Verse associated with Saad bin Sa'yah: 4:162
Verse associated with Asad bin Abaid: 3:113, 4:162
Paragraph relating to Ash'ath bin Qais: 3:77
Paragraph relating to the Umayyad bin Khalaf: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 25:28, 25:29, 109:1
Verses related to Anas bin Nadhr: 33:23
Paragraph relating to Aus ibn Samit: 58:1, 58:2, 58:3, 58:4
Paragraph relating to the Bilal bin Rabah: 6:52, 18:28
Paragraph relating to Tsa'labah bin Sa'yah: 3:113, 4:162
Paragraph relating to Jabir ibn Abdullah: 4:176
Verse associated with the Al Jad bin Qais: 9:49
Paragraph relating to Hathib bin Abu Balta'ah: 60:1
Verse associated with Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib: 3:169, 3:170, 16:126, 16:127, 22:19
Paragraph relating to Huyai bin Akhtab: 4:51, 4:52
Paragraph relating to Khabab bin al Art: 6:52, 18:28
Verse associated with the Al Zubair bin Al 'Awwam: 4:65
Paragraph relating to Zaid bin Arqam: 63:7, 63:8
Paragraph relating to Zaid bin Harithah: 33:4, 33:37
Paragraph relating to Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas: 5:90, 6:52, 8:1, 18:28, 29:8, 31:14, 31:15
Paragraph relating to the Salman Al Farisi: 2:62, 6:52
Paragraph relating to Syaibah bin Rabi'a: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93
Paragraph relating to Safwan bin Umayyad: 8:36
Paragraph relating to Shuhaib Ar Rumi: 2:207, 6:52, 18:28
Paragraph relating to Dhamrah bin Jundub: 4:100
Paragraph relating to 'Amr ibn al Aiz Mazni: 9:91
Paragraph relating to Ta'mah bin Ubairaq: 4:105
Verse associated with the Al 'Ash bin Wail: 19:77, 19:78, 19:79, 19:80, 107:1, 107:2, 107:3, 108:3, 109:1
Paragraph relating to Ubadah bin Samit: 5:51, 5:52, 5:53
Paragraph relating to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib: 8:70, 9:19
Verses related to Abdullah bin Sarh Abis: 6:93
Verses related to Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul: 4:72, 5:51, 5:52, 5:53, 9:74, 9:80, 9:84, 24:11, 24:33, 63:1, 63:2, 63:3, 63:4, 63:5, 63:6, 63:7, 63:8
Verses related to Abdullah bin Umayyad: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93
Verses related to Abdullah bin Jahsh and his troops: 2:217
Verses related to Abdullah bin Hudzafah: 4:59
Verses related to Abdullah bin Rawahah: 2:221
Verses related to Abdullah bin Salam: 2:146, 2:208, 3:113, 4:162, 5:55, 46:10
Verses related to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: 6:52, 18:28
Paragraph relating to Ubaidillah bin Abi Rabi'a: 8:36
Paragraph relating to Ubaydah ibn al-Harith: 22:19
Paragraph relating to 'Utbah ibn Abi Rabi'a: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 22:19
Paragraph relating to 'Uthman bin Talha Al Juhami: 4:58
Paragraph relating to 'Uthman bin Affan: 39:9
Paragraph relating to 'Uthman ibn Mazh'un: 5:87, 5:88
Paragraph relating to Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith: 25:27, 25:28, 25:29
Paragraph relating to 'Aqil ibn Abu Talib: 8:70
Paragraph relating to 'Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl: 8:36
Paragraph relating to 'Ali ibn Abu Talib: 22:19, 32:18
Verses related to Ammar ibn Yasir: 16:106, 18:28
Paragraph relating to 'Umar bin Khattab: 45:14, 45:15, 49:2
Paragraph relating to Finhash: 3:181, 5:64
Paragraph relating to Qatadah bin Nu'man: 4:110, 4:111, 4:112
Paragraph relating to Qidar bin Salif: 91:12
Paragraph relating to Qais bin Shirmah: 2:187
Paragraph relating to Ka'b bin Al Ashraf: 4:51, 4:52, 4:60
Paragraph relating to Ka'b ibn 'Ajrah: 2:196
Paragraph relating to Ka'b ibn Malik: 9:106, 9:118
Paragraph relating to Murarah ibn al Rabi 'Al'Amry: 9:106, 9:118
Paragraph relating to Mistah bin Atsatsah: 24:22
Paragraph relating to Mus'ab bin 'Umair: 3:169, 3:170, 58:22
Paragraph relating to Ma'qil bin Yasar: 2:232
Verse associated with the Al Miqdad bin Al Aswad: 4:94, 18:28
Verse associated with An Nadhr bin Al-Harith: 8:31, 8:32, 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 70:1
Verse associated with bin Nawfal Al-Harith: 8:70
Paragraph relating to the Umayyad Hilal bin: 9:106, 9:118, 24:6, 24:7, 24:8, 24:9
Verse associated with the Al-Walid bin 'Utbah: 22:19
Verse associated with the Al-Walid bin 'Uqbah: 32:18, 49:6, 49:7
Verse associated with the Al-Walid bin Al Mughirah: 17:90, 17:91, 17:92, 17:93, 53:33, 53:34, 53:35, 53:36, 74:11, 74:12, 74:13, 74:14, 74:15, 74:16, 74:17, 74:18, 74:19, 74:20, 74:21, 74:22, 74:23, 74:24, 74: 25, 74:26, 74:27, 109:1
Some women who fall for verses in the Qur'an
Paragraph relating to Asma 'bint Abi Bakr: 60:8
Verses related to Umm Jamil: 111:4, 111:5
Paragraph relating to the Umm Ad Syarik Dausiyah: 33:50
Paragraph relating to Umm Kulthum bint 'Uqbah: 60:10
Verse associated with Hafsa bint Umar: 66:1, 66:2, 66:3, 66:4, 66:5
Paragraph relating to Khaulah bint Tsa'labah: 58:1, 58:2, 58:3, 58:4
Paragraph relating to Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan: 60:7
Paragraph relating to Zainab bint Jahsh: 33:36, 33:37, 33:38
Paragraph relating to Aisha bint Al Siddiq: 24:11, 24:12, 24:13, 24:14, 24:15, 24:16, 66:1, 66:2, 66:3, 66:4, 66 : 5
Paragraph relating to the Fatima Bint Prophet: 33:33
Prostration recitations
Recitations prostration verses: 7:206, 13:15, 16:49, 17:107, 19:58, 22:18, 22:77, 25:60, 27:25, 32:15, 38:24, 41:37, 53:62, 84:21, 96:19
Miracles Quran
The challenge of the Qur'an: 2:1, 2:23, 3:1, 7:1, 10:1, 10:38, 11:1, 11:13, 12:1, 13:1, 14:1, 15: 1, 17:88, 19:1, 20:1, 26:1, 28:49, 31:1, 31:11, 32:1, 36:1, 37:157, 38:1, 40:1, 41:1, 42:1, 42:2, 43:1, 44:1, 45:1, 46:1, 46:4, 52:34, 52:37, 52:38, 68:1
Miracles language: 2:1, 2:23, 3:1, 4:82, 7:1, 10:1, 10:38, 11:1, 11:13, 12:1, 13:1, 14:1 , 15:1, 16:103, 19:1, 20:1, 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, 28:7, 29:1, 30:1, 31:1, 32:1, 36 : 1, 38:1, 40:1, 41:1, 42:1, 42:2, 43:1, 44:1, 45:1, 46:1, 50:1, 68:1
Miracles of science
Science fetus according to the Koran
Stage in the formation of the fetus: 16:4, 22:5, 23:13, 23:14, 35:11, 36:77, 39:6, 40:67, 71:14, 75:37, 75:38, 76 : 2, 77:20, 80:19, 86:6, 86:7, 96:2
Maintenance of the fetus in the womb: 23:13, 39:6, 77:21
Determination of sex of the baby: 3:6, 13:8
Development of babies senses: 16:78, 23:78, 32:9, 67:23, 76:2
Gestation: 46:15
Botany in the Qur'an
The mention of plants: 2:61, 2:261, 6:99, 10:24, 15:19, 16:11, 18:45, 20:53, 22:5, 23:19, 23:20, 26 : 7, 27:60, 31:10, 36:34, 36:36, 37:146, 50:7, 50:9, 78:15, 80:27
The need for water plants: 2:164, 6:99, 7:57, 10:24, 13:4, 13:17, 14:32, 15:22, 16:10, 16:11, 16:65, 18 : 45, 20:53, 22:5, 22:63, 23:19, 25:49, 27:60, 30:24, 30:50, 31:10, 32:27, 35:9, 35:27 , 39:21, 41:39, 43:11, 45:5, 50:9, 50:11, 78:15, 80:25
Effect of the wind in the fertilization of plants: 15:22
The importance of roots in plants: 14:24, 14:26
Effect of soil on plants: 2:265, 7:58, 13:4, 16:65
Influence of motion of the earth plant: 22:5, 41:39
Substance chlorophyll (green leaves) in plants: 6:99, 12:43, 12:46, 22:63, 36:80
Various kinds of plants: 2:22, 2:61, 6:99, 6:141, 7:57, 13:4, 15:19, 16:10, 16:11, 16:13, 16:67, 35: 27, 55:11, 55:12, 78:15, 80:28, 80:29, 80:30, 80:31, 87:4
Reproduce by seeding: 2:261, 6:99, 31:16, 80:27
The best way to save seeds: 12:47
Animal science in the Qur'an
Language animals: 6:38, 27:16, 27:18, 34:10
The mention of animals in the Qur'an: 2:65, 2:67, 2:68, 2:69, 2:71, 2:164, 2:173, 2:259, 3:14, 4:119, 4:153, 5:1, 5:3, 5:4, 5:60, 6:38, 6:136, 6:138, 6:139, 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 6:145, 6: 146, 7:40, 7:73, 7:77, 7:166, 7:176, 7:179, 8:60, 10:24, 11:64, 11:69, 12:13, 12:14, 12:17, 12:43, 12:46, 12:94, 16:5, 16:8, 16:66, 16:80, 16:115, 17:59, 18:18, 18:22, 20: 18, 20:54, 21:78, 22:18, 22:28, 22:30, 22:34, 23:21, 24:45, 25:44, 25:49, 26:133, 26:155, 31:19, 34:10, 35:28, 36:71, 37:142, 38:19, 38:23, 38:24, 38:31, 39:6, 40:79, 42:11, 42: 29, 43:12, 45:4, 47:12, 51:26, 54:27, 59:6, 62:5, 67:19, 74:50, 74:51, 79:33, 80:32, 105:1
Birds in the Quran
Theories fly in the Qur'an: 67:19
Artificial bird mentioned in the Qur'an: 2:57, 5:4, 5:31, 7:160, 12:41, 20:80, 27:20
Reptiles in the Qur'an: 7:107, 20:20, 24:45, 26:32
Water animals in the Qur'an: 5:96, 7:133, 7:163, 16:14, 18:61, 18:63, 35:12, 37:142, 68:48
Insects in the Qur'an
Cobwebs: 29:41
Kingdom of bees: 16:68, 16:69
Kingdom of ants: 27:18
The mention of flies: 22:73
The mention of mosquitoes: 2:26
The mention of lice: 7:133
The mention of locusts: 7:133, 54:7
Skin sensitivity: 4:56
Tree green energy sources: 24:35, 36:80, 56:72
Milk formation: 16:66, 23:21
Every creature in pairs: 4:1, 6:143, 13:3, 16:72, 20:53, 22:5, 26:7, 26:166, 30:21, 31:10, 35:11, 36: 36, 39:6, 42:11, 42:50, 43:12, 50:7, 51:49, 53:45, 55:52, 75:39, 78:8, 92:3
Privileged human fingerprint: 75:4
Dates maternity benefits for women: 19:23, 19:25, 19:26
The importance of nutrition keseimbagan: 6:141, 7:31
Wind energy: 10:22, 17:69, 21:81, 25:48, 30:46, 35:9, 42:33, 77:3
Water as a source of life: 2:164, 2:265, 6:99, 10:24, 14:32, 16:10, 16:11, 16:65, 20:53, 21:30, 22:5, 22 : 63, 23:19, 24:45, 25:49, 25:54, 27:60, 29:63, 30:24, 30:50, 31:10, 32:27, 35:9, 35:27 , 39:21, 41:39, 43:11, 45:5, 50:9, 50:11, 78:14, 80:25
Alcohol danger for humans: 2:219
Danger intercourse when menstruation: 2:222
Geographical phenomenon in the Qur'an
Water circulation in nature: 2:74, 7:57, 10:24, 15:22, 23:18, 79:31, 86:11
The phenomenon of surface tension of the earth: 2:164, 10:22, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 22:65, 25:53, 27:61, 31:31, 35:12, 36:41, 40 : 80, 42:32, 43:12, 45:12, 55:19, 55:20
Distance and short-wave phenomenon: 11:42, 24:40, 31:32
Demarcation between seawater and river water: 25:53, 27:61, 55:19, 55:20
The clouds that clot: 24:43, 52:44
Between air pressure and altitude opposites: 6:125
Formation of rain and wind: 2:164, 7:57, 13:12, 16:10, 24:43, 25:48, 30:48, 35:9, 78:14, 86:11
Spherical earth and turnover: 3:27, 22:61, 31:29, 35:13, 39:5, 50:7, 79:30
Gravity (gravity): 6:59, 19:25
Natural phenomenon in the Qur'an
The command to think and live: 2:44, 2:118, 2:219, 2:266, 3:65, 3:118, 4:82, 6:32, 6:50, 6:80, 6:151, 7:3, 7:26, 7:169, 7:176, 7:179, 7:184, 7:185, 8:57, 10:3, 10:5, 10:16, 10:101, 11: 24, 11:30, 11:51, 12:2, 12:109, 13:19, 14:5, 14:52, 16:17, 16:44, 16:48, 16:69, 16:79, 16:90, 21:10, 21:30, 21:67, 23:68, 23:85, 24:43, 26:7, 27:60, 27:61, 27:62, 27:63, 27: 64, 27:86, 28:60, 28:71, 28:72, 29:19, 29:20, 30:8, 30:21, 30:28, 30:42, 30:50, 31:29, 32:26, 32:27, 33:9, 34:9, 35:3, 35:27, 35:44, 36:62, 36:68, 36:73, 36:77, 37:73, 37: 138, 37:155, 39:21, 39:42, 43:3, 45:4, 45:20, 45:23, 47:24, 51:21, 52:36, 54:15, 54:17, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40, 56:58, 56:62, 56:68, 59:2, 59:21, 67:3, 67:4, 67:19, 80:24, 86: 5, 88:17
Contemplating God's creation: 2:164, 3:190, 3:191, 6:11, 6:75, 6:76, 6:77, 6:78, 6:99, 7:57, 10:6, 10: 24, 10:67, 12:105, 13:2, 13:3, 13:4, 15:19, 15:22, 16:11, 16:12, 16:13, 16:15, 16:65, 16:66, 16:67, 16:68, 16:69, 16:78, 17:12, 20:54, 21:16, 21:31, 21:32, 21:33, 23:84, 23: 86, 23:88, 24:44, 25:61, 25:62, 26:24, 26:28, 28:73, 29:44, 29:61, 30:21, 30:22, 30:23, 30:48, 35:9, 35:12, 35:28, 36:33, 36:34, 36:37, 36:41, 37:6, 37:88, 39:5, 39:42, 40: 13, 40:57, 40:61, 41:10, 41:37, 41:39, 41:53, 42:29, 42:32, 45:3, 45:4, 45:5, 45:12, 45:13, 50:6, 50:7, 50:9, 50:10, 51:20, 80:25, 80:26, 80:27, 80:28, 80:29, 80:30, 80: 31, 80:32, 88:18, 88:19, 88:20
The origin of the universe: 21:30, 41:11
Sunlight: 25:61, 71:16, 78:13
Moonlight: 10:5, 25:61, 71:16
The balance of the universe
The balance of the earth: 2:22, 13:3, 15:19, 16:15, 20:53, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 35:41, 41:10, 43:10, 50:7 , 51:48, 55:10, 71:19, 77:27, 78:6, 78:7, 79:32, 91:6
The balance of the heavenly bodies: 13:2, 21:33, 25:61, 31:29, 35:13, 35:41, 36:40
Damage to the balance on the Day of Resurrection: 25:25, 27:88, 50:44, 52:9, 52:10, 55:37, 56:4, 56:5, 56:6, 69:14, 69:16, 70:8, 70:9, 75:9, 77:9, 77:10, 78:19, 78:20, 79:6, 79:7, 81:1, 81:2, 81:3, 81: 6, 81:11, 82:1, 82:2, 82:3, 84:1, 84:3, 89:21, 99:1, 99:2, 101:5
Year syamsyiah and qamariyah: 13:2, 14:33, 16:12, 17:12, 18:25
Substitution of night and day: 2:164, 3:27, 3:190, 6:96, 10:6, 13:2, 13:3, 14:33, 16:12, 17:12, 21:33, 22 : 61, 23:80, 24:44, 25:62, 27:86, 31:29, 35:13, 36:37, 36:40, 39:5, 41:37, 45:5, 57:6 , 79:29, 91:3, 91:4, 92:2, 93:2
Turnover of the sun and moon: 2:164, 2:189, 2:258, 3:27, 3:190, 6:96, 10:5, 13:2, 14:33, 16:12, 21:33, 22 : 61, 35:13, 36:38, 36:40, 39:5, 40:61, 41:37, 45:5, 55:5, 91:2, 91:3, 91:4
The influence of the mountain on the balance of the Earth: 27:61, 31:10, 50:7, 77:27
Thunderstorms and lightning in the Qur'an: 2:19, 2:20, 13:12, 13:13
The phenomenon of the shadow in the Qur'an: 13:15, 16:48, 16:81, 25:45, 25:46
The phenomenon of mirage in the Qur'an: 24:39
The phenomenon of light refraction: 2:17
Natural expansion: 51:47
The destruction of the universe: 2:210, 14:48, 18:47, 20:105, 20:106, 20:107, 21:104, 25:25, 27:87, 39:68, 44:10, 50: 44, 55:26, 55:37, 56:1, 56:3, 56:4, 56:5, 56:6, 69:14, 69:16, 70:8, 70:9, 73:14, 73:18, 75:7, 75:8, 75:9, 77:8, 77:9, 77:10, 78:19, 78:20, 81:1, 81:2, 81:3, 81: 4, 81:5, 81:6, 81:7, 81:8, 81:9, 81:10, 81:11, 81:12, 82:1, 82:2, 82:3, 84:1, 84:2, 84:3, 84:5, 101:4, 101:5
Blue sky
The establishment of the sky in the Qur'an: 2:29, 11:7, 13:2, 15:14, 15:17, 17:44, 21:30, 22:65, 23:17, 23:86, 25:59, 31:10, 32:4, 37:6, 40:64, 41:11, 41:12, 50:6, 50:38, 51:7, 52:5, 55:7, 57:4, 65: 12, 67:3, 71:15, 78:12, 79:28, 85:1, 91:5
The stars in the Qur'an: 6:76, 6:97, 10:5, 13:2, 14:33, 15:16, 16:12, 16:16, 25:61, 37:6, 41:12 , 50:6, 56:75, 67:5, 71:16, 78:13, 86:1, 86:2, 86:3
Meteor in the Qur'an: 15:18, 37:8, 37:10, 41:12, 67:5, 72:8, 72:9, 86:1, 86:2
Wisdom exposure verses creation of the universe: 86:3, 10:24, 10:67, 11:7, 12:105, 13:3, 13:4, 16:11, 16:12, 16:13, 16:14 , 16:15, 16:79, 25:62, 26:8, 26:24, 29:44, 30:21, 30:22, 30:23, 30:24, 30:46, 31:31, 32 : 4, 32:27, 35:12, 36:35, 39:21, 40:13, 42:33, 43:10, 45:3, 45:4, 45:5, 45:12, 45:13 , 50:8, 51:49, 56:73, 57:25
Earth sciences in the Qur'an
The mention of the mountain: 7:74, 7:171, 11:42, 11:43, 13:31, 14:46, 15:82, 16:68, 16:81, 17:37, 18:47, 19:90 , 20:105, 21:79, 22:18, 26:149, 27:88, 33:72, 34:10, 35:27, 38:18, 52:10, 56:5, 59:21, 69 : 14, 70:9, 72:14, 73:14, 77:10, 78:7, 78:20, 79:32, 81:3, 88:19, 101:5
Various kinds of soil: 35:27
Various kinds of stone: 2:74
Minerals and precious stones: 3:14, 3:91, 7:148, 9:34, 13:17, 16:14, 17:50, 18:96, 34:10, 34:12, 35:12, 35:33, 43:33, 43:53, 55:22, 57:25, 76:19, 76:21
Cues history in the Qur'an
Period conceit of the Jews on earth: 17:4, 17:5, 17:6
Kemenagan the Romans over the Persian nation: 30:2, 30:3, 30:4
The relationship of Jews and Christians: 5:14
The stories and parables in the Qur'an
Stories of the Qur'an
The story of the creation of man
The creation of human origin: 3:59, 6:2, 7:12, 15:26, 15:28, 15:29, 15:33, 17:61, 18:37, 20:55, 22:5, 23: 12, 25:54, 30:20, 32:7, 35:11, 37:11, 38:71, 38:76, 40:67, 55:14, 71:17
The way humans reproduce: 4:1, 6:98, 7:189, 16:4, 16:72, 22:5, 32:8, 35:11, 40:67, 42:11, 71:14, 75: 37, 75:39, 78:8, 86:5, 86:6, 86:7, 92:3
Enmity between Satan and man: 2:34, 2:36, 2:168, 2:169, 2:208, 4:118, 4:119, 4:120, 5:91, 6:142, 7:11, 7:12, 7:16, 7:17, 7:20, 7:21, 7:22, 7:24, 7:27, 12:5, 14:22, 15:33, 15:36, 15: 38, 15:39, 17:53, 17:62, 17:64, 18:50, 20:116, 20:117, 20:120, 28:15, 31:21, 34:20, 35:6, 36:60, 36:62, 37:30, 37:32, 38:74, 38:75, 38:76, 38:82, 43:62
The duty of man on earth: 2:21, 2:30, 2:138, 6:165, 7:129, 10:14, 11:7, 11:61, 21:105, 22:41, 23:115, 24:55, 27:62, 28:5, 35:39, 43:60, 67:2, 90:4
Heaven exercises: 2:35, 7:19, 7:20, 7:22, 20:117, 20:118, 20:119
Man was created tribes and nation-nation: 30:22, 49:13
Range of the human soul
Ammara nafs (soul that is always sent to the crime): 4:79, 12:53
Lawwamah nafs (soul who always regretted): 75:2
Muthmainnah nafs (soul quiet): 89:27
Human nature
Hurry man: 2:214, 17:11, 21:37, 26:204
Man laments: 6:63, 10:12, 11:9, 14:34, 41:49, 70:19, 70:20, 89:16
Human greed and miserly: 4:32, 4:128, 17:100, 64:16, 70:18, 70:21, 74:15, 89:19, 89:20, 100:8, 102:1
Human stubborn: 6:143, 7:71, 8:6, 10:15, 11:8, 11:32, 16:4, 18:54, 18:55, 19:66, 20:51, 20: 134, 21:2, 21:3, 21:5, 21:6, 21:38, 21:55, 21:93, 22:3, 22:8, 22:46, 26:203, 29:18, 29:24, 29:29, 31:20, 31:21, 32:28, 34:35, 36:48, 36:77, 40:4, 40:35, 43:58, 46:17, 46: 22, 52:32, 67:25, 68:36, 68:37, 68:38, 68:39, 68:40, 68:41, 74:18, 74:21, 74:22, 74:52, 82:6, 90:5, 90:6, 90:7
Man was created in the best shape: 23:14, 40:64, 64:3, 82:7, 82:8, 87:2, 90:8, 90:9, 95:4
God will favor human infidelity: 2:49, 2:211, 2:243, 5:20, 5:75, 5:86, 6:6, 6:21, 6:33, 6:46, 6:64, 6:66, 6:104, 6:130, 6:157, 7:10, 7:40, 7:51, 7:63, 7:69, 7:74, 7:86, 7:182, 10: 12, 10:21, 10:23, 10:60, 11:9, 12:38, 14:34, 16:4, 16:54, 16:58, 16:59, 16:71, 16:72, 16:82, 16:83, 16:112, 17:67, 17:83, 18:57, 21:32, 21:42, 22:38, 22:66, 23:75, 23:78, 25: 50, 26:8, 26:67, 26:136, 26:137, 27:60, 27:73, 27:82, 27:83, 28:57, 28:78, 29:49, 29:61, 29:65, 29:66, 29:67, 30:33, 30:36, 30:51, 31:20, 31:32, 32:9, 33:72, 34:13, 34:16, 34: 19, 34:28, 36:35, 36:73, 39:8, 39:49, 40:61, 41:50, 41:51, 42:48, 43:15, 46:26, 53:55, 55:13, 55:16, 55:18, 55:21, 55:23, 55:25, 55:28, 55:30, 55:32, 55:34, 55:36, 55:38, 55: 40, 55:42, 55:45, 55:47, 55:49, 55:51, 55:53, 55:55, 55:57, 55:59, 55:61, 55:63, 55:65, 55:67, 55:69, 55:71, 55:73, 55:75, 55:77, 56:82, 67:21, 67:23, 96:6, 96:7, 100:6, 100: 7
Human science bit: 2:140, 2:216, 2:232, 2:239, 2:255, 3:7, 3:66, 4:157, 5:109, 6:37, 7:187, 12: 21, 12:68, 12:76, 16:38, 16:41, 16:74, 16:101, 17:85, 18:5, 20:110, 24:19, 27:61, 27:65, 27:66, 27:84, 28:13, 30:6, 30:7, 30:29, 33:72, 40:83, 43:20, 45:24, 79:43, 89:15, 89: 16
Human weakness: 4:28, 5:30, 6:134, 7:143, 8:59, 9:2, 9:3, 9:25, 10:24, 10:53, 11:20, 11:33 , 11:57, 13:11, 16:46, 18:41, 21:40, 24:57, 25:19, 29:22, 30:9, 30:54, 36:43, 39:51, 40 : 29, 40:82, 42:31, 51:45, 55:33, 55:35, 56:66, 56:67, 56:87, 60:4, 69:47, 72:21, 77:39 , 90:5, 90:6, 90:7
God's gift to man
The apostles were sent to give guidance: 2:53, 2:129, 2:151, 2:170, 2:176, 2:198, 2:209, 2:211, 2:213, 2:231, 2:253 , 3:4, 3:103, 3:108, 3:164, 3:183, 3:184, 4:54, 4:79, 4:80, 4:165, 4:170, 4:174, 5 : 3, 5:7, 5:15, 5:16, 5:19, 5:32, 5:75, 5:104, 5:110, 6:5, 6:19, 6:42, 6:48 , 6:84, 6:85, 6:86, 6:87, 6:89, 6:91, 6:104, 6:105, 6:130, 6:151, 6:153, 6:154, 7 : 35, 7:43, 7:53, 7:59, 7:61, 7:62, 7:63, 7:64, 7:67, 7:68, 7:69, 7:70, 7:73 , 7:80, 7:85, 7:89, 7:101, 7:104, 7:145, 9:33, 9:70, 9:115, 9:128, 10:13, 10:47, 10 : 71, 10:74, 10:75, 10:108, 11:25, 12:38, 12:104, 13:7, 13:30, 13:38, 14:4, 14:5, 14:9 , 14:36, 16:36, 16:43, 16:44, 16:63, 16:113, 19:21, 20:50, 20:123, 20:134, 21:25, 21:48, 21 : 107, 22:49, 22:75, 22:78, 23:73, 25:51, 26:10, 26:16, 26:107, 26:125, 26:143, 26:162, 26:178 , 26:208, 27:12, 28:46, 28:47, 28:59, 29:47, 30:9, 30:47, 34:34, 35:24, 35:42, 36:3, 36 : 13, 36:14, 36:16, 37:72, 37:123, 37:133, 37:139, 37:147, 39:71, 40:15, 40:22, 40:23, 40:50 , 40:53, 40:54, 40:78, 41:14, 43:5, 43:6, 43:7, 43:24, 43:29, 43:46, 43:63, 44:5, 44 : 6, 44:13, 46:9, 46:21, 48:9, 48:28, 49:17, 50:28, 51:55, 53:23, 57:9, 57:25, 57:26 , 57:27, 61:6, 61:9, 62:2, 64:6, 65:10, 65:11, 67:8, 67:9, 71:1, 71:2, 73:15, 76 : 3, 79:17, 79:18, 92:12, 98:1, 98:4
Human beings are glorified: 2:31, 2:33, 2:34, 7:10, 7:11, 7:12, 7:19, 7:26, 16:78, 16:80, 16:81, 17 : 62, 17:70, 22:78, 40:64
All beings were created for the benefit of man: 2:29, 6:6, 6:142, 7:74, 13:3, 13:4, 14:32, 15:19, 15:20, 15:22, 16:13 , 16:15, 16:65, 16:67, 16:68, 16:69, 20:53, 22:37, 22:65, 26:133, 26:134, 31:20, 35:12, 36 : 72, 36:80, 40:79, 40:80, 45:13, 87:4
Falak was created for the benefit of man: 2:164, 10:22, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:70, 22:65, 23:22, 30:46, 31:31, 35:12, 36:41, 40:80, 42:32, 43:12, 45:12, 51:3, 55:24
Human sustenance is guaranteed by Allah: 2:22, 2:60, 2:168, 2:172, 4:5, 5:88, 6:99, 6:141, 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 6 : 151, 7:32, 7:160, 8:26, 9:28, 10:31, 10:59, 10:93, 11:3, 11:6, 14:32, 15:20, 16:72 , 16:112, 16:114, 17:70, 29:17, 29:60, 29:62, 30:37, 30:40, 34:15, 34:24, 34:36, 36:47, 39 : 52, 40:13, 40:64, 41:10, 42:12, 42:19, 42:27, 51:22, 51:58, 53:48, 62:10, 62:11, 65:3 , 67:15, 67:21, 106:4
Earth is prepared for human habitation: 2:22, 2:29, 2:36, 6:99, 7:10, 7:24, 7:74, 10:5, 13:3, 13:4, 14:32 , 15:19, 15:20, 15:22, 16:13, 16:15, 16:81, 17:12, 20:53, 20:54, 22:65, 23:18, 23:19, 23 : 20, 26:7, 27:61, 27:86, 28:73, 31:10, 36:33, 36:34, 40:61, 40:64, 43:10, 43:11, 50:9 , 51:48, 55:10, 67:15, 71:19, 71:20, 77:25, 77:26, 77:27, 78:6, 78:7, 79:31, 79:32, 79 : 33, 88:20, 91:6
The gift of stars star: 2:189, 6:97, 15:16, 16:16, 27:63, 37:6
Human use of animals: 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 16:5, 16:6, 16:7, 16:8, 16:66, 16:80, 23:21, 23:22, 36: 42, 36:71, 36:72, 36:73, 40:79, 40:80, 43:12, 43:13
Winds as good news for humans: 7:57, 30:46, 30:48
The amount of the gift of God in humans: 2:243, 4:70, 4:113, 4:175, 5:20, 6:46, 6:104, 6:141, 6:142, 6:143, 6:144, 7:10, 7:26, 7:32, 7:63, 7:69, 7:74, 7:143, 7:145, 7:172, 8:26, 10:31, 10:60, 13: 3, 13:4, 13:11, 14:32, 14:33, 14:34, 15:19, 15:20, 15:22, 16:5, 16:6, 16:7, 16:8, 16:10, 16:11, 16:13, 16:14, 16:15, 16:16, 16:18, 16:53, 16:65, 16:66, 16:67, 16:68, 16: 69, 16:71, 16:72, 16:78, 16:80, 16:81, 17:12, 17:66, 17:70, 17:87, 21:42, 25:47, 25:48, 25:49, 25:50, 25:53, 26:7, 26:132, 26:133, 26:134, 26:147, 26:148, 26:149, 27:60, 27:61, 27: 62, 27:63, 27:64, 27:73, 27:86, 28:5, 28:6, 28:13, 28:57, 28:71, 28:72, 28:73, 28:76, 29:51, 29:61, 30:54, 31:20, 34:18, 35:3, 36:42, 39:6, 39:21, 45:12, 45:13, 57:25, 73: 7, 74:6, 76:28, 78:9, 78:10, 78:11, 78:16, 80:20, 80:25, 80:26, 80:27, 80:28, 80:29, 80:30, 80:31, 80:32, 82:7, 96:5
The story of the Jews in the Qur'an
Religious Jews: 2:43, 2:83, 2:84, 2:91, 2:111, 2:113, 2:183, 3:20, 9:30, 9:31, 17:2, 98: 5
The advantages given by God to the Jews: 2:40, 2:47, 2:49, 2:50, 2:52, 2:53, 2:56, 2:57, 2:58, 2:60, 2: 61, 2:64, 2:122, 4:54, 4:153, 5:12, 5:15, 5:20, 5:71, 7:140, 7:141, 7:160, 7:161, 10:93, 14:6, 17:4, 20:80, 20:81, 26:59, 28:5, 28:6, 40:53, 44:25, 44:26, 44:27, 44: 28, 44:30, 44:31, 44:32, 45:16, 45:17
The prophets of Bani Israel: 2:133, 3:49, 3:93, 4:153, 5:12, 5:20, 5:46, 5:70, 5:78, 5:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 20:24, 20:29, 20:30, 20:42, 20:43, 20:44, 20:47, 20:90, 23:45, 28:34, 28: 35, 40:23, 40:34, 43:46, 43:59
The Jews conceal the truth: 2:42, 2:89, 2:101, 2:109, 2:140, 2:144, 2:146, 2:159, 2:174, 2:175, 3:19, 3 : 70, 3:71, 3:72, 3:75, 3:78, 3:99, 3:187, 4:46, 4:51, 5:13, 5:15, 5:41, 5:43 , 6:20, 6:91, 6:114, 7:162, 7:169
Invites the Jewish people for jihad: 2:58, 2:246, 5:21, 5:23, 5:24, 7:161
Torture and expulsion of the Jews
Humiliation and expulsion of the Jews: 2:61, 3:112, 7:152, 7:165, 7:166, 7:167, 7:168, 14:6, 17:5, 17:7, 26:57, 26:58
God's wrath against the Jews: 1:7, 2:61, 2:90, 3:112, 5:60, 7:152, 20:86, 58:14, 60:13
Fallacy of the Jews in the Sinai desert: 5:26
The mention Thuur Sinaa '(hill Thur Sina'): 2:63, 2:93, 2:154, 19:52, 20:80, 23:20, 28:29, 28:46, 52:1, 95:2
Thuur appointed to the top of the hill of the Jews: 2:63, 2:93, 4:154, 7:171
Destroy the Israelites by lightning: 2:55, 4:153, 7:155
Believers among the Jews: 2:62, 3:113, 3:114, 3:199, 4:162, 5:44, 5:66, 5:69, 7:120, 7:121, 7 : 123, 7:124, 7:125, 7:126, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:170, 10:83, 10:85, 10:86, 10:87, 13:36 , 13:43, 17:107, 20:70, 20:72, 20:73, 26:46, 26:47, 26:48, 26:50, 26:51, 28:52, 28:53, 28 : 54, 28:55, 29:47, 32:24
The village where Jews break a promise on Saturday: 2:62, 3:113, 3:114, 3:199, 4:162, 5:44, 5:66, 5:69, 7:120, 7:121, 7:123, 7:124, 7:125, 7:126, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:170, 10:83, 10:85, 10:86, 10:87, 13: 36, 13:43, 17:107, 20:70, 20:72, 20:73, 26:46, 26:47, 26:48, 26:50, 26:51, 28:52, 28:53, 28:54, 28:55, 29:47, 32:24
The story of the cow (bovine): 2:65, 4:154, 7:163, 7:166
Jewish attitudes toward the books of celestial: 2:67, 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71
Jewish attitudes towards religion-religions of the Book: 2:75, 2:78, 2:79, 2:85, 2:87, 2:89, 2:91, 2:101, 2:174, 2:176, 2: 211, 3:23, 3:78, 3:98, 4:46, 5:15, 5:64, 5:68, 6:20, 6:91, 7:169, 7:170, 7:171, 11:110, 15:90, 41:45, 62:5
The weakness of faith of the Jews: 2:44, 2:55, 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71, 2:74, 2:75, 2:76, 2:100, 2:247, 2 : 249, 3:75, 4:153, 4:161, 5:71, 7:129, 7:134, 7:138, 7:148, 7:150, 7:160, 7:163, 7:169 , 16:118, 17:101, 20:85, 20:86, 20:87, 20:88, 20:92, 20:96, 26:61, 43:49, 43:50, 43:54, 45 : 17, 62:6, 62:7
Disavowal and the obduracy of the Jews: 2:41, 2:42, 2:51, 2:54, 2:55, 2:59, 2:61, 2:65, 2:68, 2:69, 2: 70, 2:71, 2:74, 2:75, 2:76, 2:80, 2:83, 2:85, 2:86, 2:87, 2:88, 2:89, 2:90, 2:91, 2:92, 2:93, 2:101, 2:102, 2:103, 2:108, 2:111, 2:137, 2:140, 2:145, 2:146, 2: 174, 2:211, 2:246, 2:247, 3:19, 3:21, 3:23, 3:24, 3:52, 3:55, 3:65, 3:70, 3:93, 3:98, 3:99, 3:112, 3:181, 3:183, 3:187, 4:44, 4:46, 4:51, 4:153, 4:155, 4:156, 4: 160, 5:13, 5:22, 5:24, 5:25, 5:32, 5:43, 5:59, 5:60, 5:64, 5:65, 5:66, 5:70, 5:71, 5:79, 5:80, 5:81, 5:110, 6:20, 6:91, 6:114, 6:146, 7:133, 7:135, 7:136, 7: 138, 7:148, 7:150, 7:160, 7:162, 7:166, 7:169, 9:34, 10:93, 14:8, 16:118, 17:101, 20:91, 26:67, 26:197, 27:76, 44:21, 45:17, 58:8, 61:6, 98:4
Broken promise and the hardness of the hearts of the Jews: 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71, 2:108, 4:160, 6:91, 6:146, 7:132, 7:133, 43: 49, 43:50
The attitude of the Jews against the Prophet - Prophets: 2:61, 2:87, 2:91, 2:104, 2:140, 2:247, 3:21, 3:55, 3:66, 3:112, 3: 181, 3:183, 4:46, 4:153, 4:155, 4:157, 5:70, 43:49, 43:52, 43:53, 58:8, 59:4, 61:5
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